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ftp technical help please...

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Help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [:'(]

I was in the process of uploading changes to my website when my connection got cut off.

I tried again and got cut off again before the end of the upload. Since then I have been unable to upload again as my software is not finding the server.

Unfortunately it appears the files have already been deleted from the server and now only the front page of the website is visible on the net.

All other pages return an error message:

Not Found

The requested URL /Cayrolidays/Map.html was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an

ErrorDocument to handle the request.

The host company is not offering any help beyond

"the ftp server has been rebooted, your website is not in the correct place (it should be in public_html); the links are not working. If you are a novice, get help from a webmaster"

I have been using this software for beginners for over 3 years and I have never come across this before.

The upload function asks for a user name, a password, a remote site folder (/public_html) and a homepage (www.mysite.com)

I have not changed any of these and have not had a problem uploading before.

Can anyone offer help in simple english please?

Happy to communicate in PM

I will also need recommendations about changing to a more user-friendly hosting company in the next couple of months...

Many thanks in advance

Anxiously yours...! [:(]


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Only suggestion Clair, if you are using Windows XP, is try a system restore.  If you don't know how to do it, apologies if you do, but click on start, go to help and support, type in system restore and run the restore wizard which will appear in the drop down box.  When you get a system restore point calendar, it should show you what was done on a given date, so simply select a date when your PC as running OK before you tried the upload aod and it will at least take you back to where you started.
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thanks for the suggestion but as far as I can make out the problem is not with my computer but with the server where my website is hosted.

It seems the files ar corrupted and as they are not prepared to deal with a novice, I have to find a way of solving this from my end.

Being a novice, I don' even know how these things work or relate to each other.

I hopet there'll be a kind "webmaster" here prepared to gently talk me through the steps I need to take.

Failing that, I'll have to take the whole thing over next week to a 'puter shop where they talk specialist language the files will understand...


Thank you too for your suggestion of a hosting company. I will look into it as soon as I find a solution to this current problem.

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Clair, does  your webservice come with an online "control panel" or do you need to do everything by FTP?  Do you know if it's a shared server?

Have you tried connecting again today, in case the problem was with their server yesterday and today it is corrected?  You may just be able to re-upload your entire site to get it back up and running.


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Thank you PG and Cassis

I have tried uploading again, but the same message appears (cannot contact server). Just in case it was a corrupt file at my end, I uninstalled then reinstalled the program, but it made no difference.

I have had a look at the cPanel, but as I have had no reason to use it before, I am slowly and gingerly feeling my way around it.

It makes me feel like having to perform emergency surgery when all I have is First Aid knowledge!!!

I have received offers of help from very helpful, patient and kind people, so am slightly hopeful that the problem should be resolved soon.

It's quite scary really how a little I know about something I so depend on, so I will make a point of learning more about this side of things.
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You cannot contact the host server, but the public_html folder (where your provider stores your website files) is there on the server as I can see your index page.  Is that correct?

If so, I take it that you cannot view any of the files on the host server, so you don't know what is there and what is not.  Is that correct?

I had a similar problem a few months ago where I was unable to contact my host server.  It took me 2 months to discover the root of the problem lay with my ISP (Club Internet) blocking traffic between me and the host server, not the host server or my PC or FTP software.  That may not be the root of your problem, but it is one possible cause.

I could try uploading some files to your server if you trust me with your password etc.  It would at least establish whether the host server is at the root of your problem or not.  You can email me the account details and attach your html files and I'll see if I can upload them for you.  Once you have access to your host server again you could then change your password to something else.  If you would rather not do this, I quite understand!

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[quote user="Cassis"]You cannot contact the host server, but the public_html folder (where your provider stores your website files) is there on the server as I can see your index page.  Is that correct?[/quote] Not quite: The integrated upload/save-to-the-web part of the program I use cannot connect to thewebsite.

[quote user="Cassis"]If so, I take it that you cannot view any of the files on the host server, so you don't know what is there and what is not.  Is that correct?[/quote] I can access the cPanel and the files but I don't know what i4m doing, so reluctant o move/delete/change anythin...

[quote user="Cassis"]I could try uploading some files to your server if you trust me with your password etc.[/quote] I've tried that with another very helpful forum member and although I have opened access to the ftp files, but I must be very thick because he cannot get access to the panel...

Thanks for the suggestion Cassis. Can I keep you on the backburner for now? Please don't take offence, but I prefer to try one avenue at a time... my teeny brain cell is about to implode! [8-)]

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Thank you all for your advice and offers of help.

Cassis, I have dowloaded FileZilla and will learn to use it.

To Lee at ChezShells: you're a star and I hope your tiling did not suffer from the enormous amount of time and attention you brought to my problem over the weekend. Your patience and persistence do you credit. Saying thank you again does not really express how grateful I am.

To Tay: you have brought your infinite patience, time, help and expertise to the help of a complete stranger (although it appears we have crossed paths a couple of times before on the forum!) and the least I can do is thank you in open forum for giving life back to my site. It is no longer comatose, it's still on drip so to speak, but alive thanks to you!!!

I am the living illustration of how "dangerous" a little knowledge is and I promise to learn more as a mark of my debt to you.

I will dump the useless bunch of to**ers who are too important to give me help even though I've been with them since 2003 (name available on request).

I will learn to build my own pages so I can repair them without having to beg for help from very knowledgeable people who have better things to do.
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