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DVD Recorder and TNT

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We were about to buy a Panasonic DVD recorder/player but we've now discovered that the model we were going to buy is just being superceded by a newer model so we've decided to wait until September 1 when the new model goes on sale.

The new model has a TNT tuner built in. We can already get French programs via our aerial. I know not everywhere in France can receive TNT so I've got to check that out but does anyone know if there are any other chanels besides TF1,2 and 3 and M5 and 6 broadcast on TNT that do not need a subscription?

If the answer is "no" then it may influence our choice as we'd be buying something that, apart from picture quality and the fact that we rarely watch French TV, would have a "feature" that isn't of any particular interest to us.


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In the UK analogue transmissions are going to be switched off over the next few years and  digital will be the only way of receiving TV pictures, if this trend is being followed in France then the need for a digital tuner in a DVD player will be essential. I am aware of the new Panasonic recorders now being introduced in the UK and they are  excellent pieces of equipment.

 However, IMO the most important factor currently is the battle between DVD and Blu-ray and  which format is going to win, I for one will be watching before I lay out hundreds of pounds on a new recorder. The format battle is the same as that between Betamax and VHS in the 1980s, so people who bought Betamax were left with a white elephant. It would appear that the battle will become clearer over the next year or so and only then will I buy.


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We bought a Philips DVDR75 recorder a year ago, Bas, for under 200 euros in Leclerc sale.  I expect they are even cheaper now.  If you are worried about outdated technology, don't forget that DVD is already well established and unlikely to disappear overnight.  You'll still have the DVDs to record on whatever happens.  For the outlay I wouldn't hang on.  This one is great!

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[quote user="Cassis"]We bought a Philips DVDR75 recorder a year ago, Bas, for under 200 euros in Leclerc sale.  I expect they are even cheaper now.  If you are worried about outdated technology, don't forget that DVD is already well established and unlikely to disappear overnight.  You'll still have the DVDs to record on whatever happens.  For the outlay I wouldn't hang on.  This one is great!

Sorry if there is any misunderstanding, I entirely agree on your comments Cassis and yes you can get DVD recorders for less than £100. However, the Panasonic recorder refereed to are very sophisticated machines which include twin tuners, 250 MB  hardrives, memory slots for camera cards and phone cards, both DVD and VHS recorders plus so much more and they do not come cheap. You say DVD are well established so were cassettes, there is a big battle out there with companies like Sony backing Blu-ray, in the end there will be only one winner and I am not prepared to back sides.


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Fair enough.  I just meant that for under a couple of hundred euros a simple dvd recorder offers a lot more than a VCR, even if it has a useful life under 5 years, which is by no means certain.  After all, VCR is already effectively dead!

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As with all technology, 'wait and see' just doesn't work. At some point, digital terrestrial transmissions will move over to Hi-Def. Then all TNT tuners would be useless (at least for HI-DEF, so perhaps useless is not the right word!). This might be next year, or in 10 years time...or perhaps never. I guess you have to decide if you need and want something now, and if the answer is yes, go for it.

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It's a new technology for recording and playing high definition video.  You can get one or two players in the USA - at a price of about a thousand dollars upwards - but not recorders yet.  They are still at the prototype stage.  Depends whether you'd rather have something that works now rather than wait for whenever the new technology becomes available and affordable.

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