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Wanadoo mail returned as spam

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It should work until such time as that particular mail server gets included on a spam blacklist database. Then wanadoo/orange will have to set up a new server if it wants to keep abreast of the problem.

For some reason French e-mail servers are frequently blacklisted. Maybe the country as a whole has a rather lax attitide to security, I know one of my .fr addresses is very frequently 'spoofed', At least wanadoo seems prepared to do something about it, unlike most other providers.

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That's right, the last fix worked for me for 12 months or more, Paolo, and I asked again because I hadn't backed up or made a note of the particular setting.
In my opinion just a couple of UK ISPs are at fault for blocking mail sent from the biggest French service provider to their customers, waiting five days before notifying the sender. It would be laughable if it didn't have the potential to cost me money.


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I just tried changing the settings for my Wanadoo e-mail account (which I access through Outlook Express) but the new settings don't work for me: I get an error message that I can't connect to the server.  Perhaps this is because I'm currently in the US, with Earthlink as my ISP?

It's a good thing that I normally use that account only for e-mail with friends whose Wanadoo/Orange e-mail is blocked from my Earthlink and gmail accounts.

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You should be able to receive, but not send except with the ISP account that you're connected to. I don't know if I'm teaching granny to suck eggs here, but beside the Send button you'll see that you can select the account that you want to use.


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I understand that the problem with Wanadoo is that it is an 'open relay' ISP, which means spammers can freely use it to send their wares. Some ISPs systematically block anything from Wanadoo.  A bounce message can take several days to arrive, so if you were responding to a booking enquiry for a gite or B&B, that is not good for business.



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[quote user="Sc"]

You should be able to receive, but not send except with the ISP account that you're connected to. I don't know if I'm teaching granny to suck eggs here, but beside the Send button you'll see that you can select the account that you want to use.



Steve, if  you're referring to me, even when I'm using Earthlink as my ISP, I can both send and receive via Outlook Express using my Wanadoo e-mail address: it's just that it is blocked by some servers (such as gmail).  It isn't really a problem for me (more a curiosity) because I don't normally use that account: I prefer using my Earthlink and gmail accounts.  I only added it to OE so that I could get messages from Orange or receive mail from people who only have Wanadoo/Orange accounts and were having trouble getting their mail delivered to me.

I've been pleasantly surprised to discover how easy it's been, on the whole, to access my accounts through Outlook Express whether I'm in the US (where I use Earthlink) or France (where, obviously I use Orange).

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Seems like I was giving egg-sucking lessons [:)] 

In my experience with (probably) all the popular ISPs in the UK, it was only NTL and Tesco that blocked my messages from smtp.wanadoo.fr.  We know that a quick response to enquiries is a major contribution to securing a booking and as you say Paolo, the delay could cost that. Just as annoying is the enquirer with an incorrect reply address in his account, and who's (unanswered as far has he/she is concerned) messages get more and more irate! Sometimes you can guess the error, but often not.


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