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Bad news for NRJ mobile users

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I have only recently switched to NRJ for the most common reason (non date expired credit)

Today I recieved a text message to say that the tariffs would be changing next month. When I checked on the web-site, despite the front page still advertising non date expired credit I found some details of the new changes which are to be lower tariffs, bonus credits but sadly the credits will now be lost if not used before their expiry date.

I feel very let down having just switched numbers to them.

Does anyone want to join me in lobbying them?

Changes are scheduled to take place on the 19th October


Home page no longer indicates that credit has unlimited validity as before

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Could you point me to the part of the site you have seen this info. I have just bought a NRJ phone over the internet which I received yesterday.  I thought that they state that you must use the line once every six months to keep the account open, which suits me fine as I only take a mobile when making a car jouney on my own.
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When you sign into your account you will find this info....

A partir du 19 octobre 2006, votre offre comptera de nouvelles recharges, avec des bonus de crédit et des tarifs qui baissent !

A cette date, l'ensemble des recharges aura désormais une durée de validité. Au-delà de cette durée, le crédit ne sera plus valable.

Lors de l'achat de ces recharges, s'il vous reste du crédit sur votre compte avant le 19 octobre, ce crédit devra être consommé dans la période annoncée sur la nouvelle recharge achetée.

Si toutefois vous n’étiez pas satisfait de ces nouvelles conditions, vous avez la possibilité de résilier votre ligne en ne rechargeant plus votre compte à partir du 19 octobre 2006. Vous aurez alors jusqu’au 19 avril 2007 pour consommer votre crédit restant. Si vous n’avez pas rechargé avant cette date, NRJ mobile se réservera le droit de résilier votre ligne.

I suppose the important thing will be seeing how long a life they are going to allow for new credits

At least  we have  until April next year to find the new best deal.

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Hi Julia

I found the info after entering the password area but I didn't see the last bit that BJSLIV has kindly printed.

I only got my phone a few days ago so am a bit miffed, as BJSLIV says we must wait to see how long the credit lasts, if it is significantly longer than the other networks then I will be somewhat pacified, but I might just buy a little more credit before the 19th Oct to see me through to April.

I read recently that NRJ were the fastest growing network in France, now that all the new customers know what the scam has been I can't see that continuing.

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Can someone help me out here,

Am I right in thinking that if I've got credit on my phone on the 19th October  it must now be used up by the 19th April and if I put new credit on after the 19th October the credit from before the 19/10 and the new credit amount must be used up by a date given when I top up. (could be 1,2,3, months, does anyone know how long it is ???)

So if we put credit on before the 19/10 we've got 6 months to use it up as previous but it looks like after that the credit might expire perhaps every 2 months or so like sfr, (pain in the bum)


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I couldn't quite translate the message properly, I'm not sure that if we top up before the 19th October then all of the remaining credit will expire after the as yet to be announced time period.

Could someone with better French than me interprete the message on their account?

Two months? I wish!! - I changed from Orange because the 10 euros credit (which would last me a year) expired after quinze jours.

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Well, me too. I will definitely join you.

I only got my Sim card last week ... am in the process of unlocking my Orange phone ... and feel like sending it back.

I changed because I never use my mobile except for emergencies and I have only had one in 15 months.  My first time on this Forum,picked up your posting from a link from Anglo Info as someone on that Forum wrote a posting about this and several people would like to know what is going on.

I don't know if there is a facility on this forum for private email?


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I don't have an NRJ mobile but I certainly would have been attracted to buy one for very occasional use by the way their service was originally promoted.

I can understand that the people who have recently purchased must be feeling pretty annoyed.

You may wish to consider boycotting other parts of the NRJ Group in protest.

Look up NRJ on Wikipedia to identify who the other group companies are.


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Our pre-October 19th credit will last seven months so (providing it's under about 50€) that will still be equal to other deals for infrequent users, and at the same time mean that NRJ are getting as little return on their lines as possible [:)].
NRJ have removed references to 'sans durée de validité' on their website, but haven't mentioned their new terms either. They may still be deciding.....

There is a fair bit of anger building on the French mobile phone forums, who have promoted NRJ to infrequent users heavily since last May and sooner or later it will get into the press too. Crédit Mutuel have promoted them and it's clear that many French youngsters have recommended them to older relatives. Whilst I don't think such comment will change NRJ's direction, which is more than likely due to an over-optimistic business plan, it may just serve to influence them regarding the validity of the recharges if they haven't made up their mind already.

You can sign a petition to NRJ here:


Here are some links to discussions, the first one is to the 'swindles' website, the others have similar views:


If a link doesn't work for you, copy it, paste it your browser address field, and push 'Go'


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