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Apple I pod help please

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Can any one help me?

I mistakenly left my I pod on for 4 days and it drained the battery completely dead. I now have a dead black screen and it wont recharge. I have tried different usb ports and have tried charging it off my computer, and from a seperate free standing charger, but nothing has worked.  The battery was fine before hand.  Any Ideas? Many Thanks[:(]

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It should be OK - I've left mine of for too long before - to the point where I cannot switch it on. It does take some time to recharge so leave it on charge for several hours before expecting it to switch-on. I seem to remember that is what happened with mine (but I cannot be 100%). I've got a Nano so don't know if this is any different.

Certainly you are not the first person to forget to switch it off so I don't think you will have damaged it.

When I left mine on for ages (forgetting to switch it off) I expected everything on it to have disappeared - but it kept all tracks fine.

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Many thanks Deimos for that .

When you say several hours, How many do you think? I left it all of lastnight from 9pm to 7am. on the free standing charger, still nothing, than this afternoon for about 3 hours off my computer, still nothing ? Do I need to leave it longer do you think? 

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Apple have an iPod support page on their website which may help you - here.

From the support page: "If you are connecting via USB and the battery is completely discharged,

there may be up to a 30-minute delay before iPod powers up. Click here for more information."

From what you say it may mean that you need to reset the iPod, or failing that call the support line. I have passed your message on to No2 son (who is a Mac Genius - that's an official title - in USA) who may be able to advise.

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Thanks dick for that page Its very good , sadley it looks like i may have to reset it. So its a long 3 nights of work with no french lessons or music to keep me going[:(] I will have to spend time on monday and read up first then tackle it.


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[quote user="Dick Smith"] I have passed your message on to No2 son (who is a Mac Genius - that's an official title - in USA) [/quote]

So presumably he's got at least 5 of those little stars on his uniform shirt. Does he get to design the new Happy Meal toys as well?[:D]

(No, don't hit me, only kidding!)


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I've re-booted my iPod quite a few times and never lost what was stored on the thing (through the re-boot/reset - at least as far as I remember). The only way I have found to clear the contents f the iPod is with the Updater application (there are some types of data that once downloaded to your iPod are not cleared and thus the only way of clearing it and recovering the space is to do a complete factory reset with the Updater application).

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Ok Dick I will start:

5  french lessons

15 Books

Neil Young. Crosby, Stils,Nash and Young. Simon&Garfunkle. Paul McCartney.  The Zutons. James Taylor. and John Denver

Sadley I have a very boring job, so my I pod has become my life line for 3 nights aweek, but its been great way to learn french.

So Dick what do you have on yours?

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What I've been listening to whilst decorating the hall, stairs, landing and dining room (phew) has been the new Bob Dylan album, and old episodes of the Navy Lark. I have all of Bob Dylan on it, plus a load of stuff for school (Mozart for Accelerated Learning etc) plus some French 30s and 40s crooning. And some Tupac, for reasons which escape me.
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[quote user="Dick Smith"]What I've been listening to whilst decorating the hall, stairs, landing and dining room (phew) has been the new Bob Dylan album, and old episodes of the Navy Lark. I have all of Bob Dylan on it, plus a load of stuff for school (Mozart for Accelerated Learning etc) plus some French 30s and 40s crooning. And some Tupac, for reasons which escape me.[/quote]

"Love me, please love me - mutha F***"!"

A friend recently told me that when the battery 'goes' (and I mean really goes) on an ipod, that there is no way to ressurect it; built in obsolesence or whatever?

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I've see a fair amount of criticism of iPods (or certain models) that the battery is not replaceable and tends to go shortly after the warranty expires. However, I've also seen some MP3 specialist web stores that sell replacement batteries so I'm unsure exactly what the situation might be. My Nano has no obvious way to access the battery for replacement and the instructions say nothing about it.

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I rang a apple dealer, last week and was told that if my battery had really gone i could get it replaced, free of charge while still under warranty, and 35pounds if it had run out. but you cant change them yourself it has to be sent away.

Ah Dick the new Bob Dylan not heard it yet, is it good? I also have all of Bob Dylans mostly on L.P.s sadley so i cant put them on my I pod but will get around to getting them all on C.D. one day

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Later iPods have user-changeable batteries, I believe. Or at least, Apple have instructions for changing them on their support website.

The new Bob Dylan is magnificent, by far the best he has done since Desire and Blood on the Tracks, in my opinion. Miki and Cassis seem to be of the same opinion!


You can get all of Dylan from the iTunes store, or buy a turntable to computer unit for about £100. Probably cheaper just to buy the tracks you want (thus avoiding Empire Burlesque and Slow Train Coming).

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[quote user="powerdesal"]How about a new thread for grey haired technophobes explaining in words of few sylables exactly how to down load music from the ether, fleetwood mac for preference (or for starters).


One way is to go to the Apple iTunes Store. Click on the Free Download button and download the Windows version of iTunes (I assume you have a pc - if you had a mac iTunes would have been preloaded). When iTunes opens up it will probably default to the iTunes Store.  Click on Account in the Quick Links section.  Create your account - you have to have an address and credit card account in the UK, France, US, etc.  I don't think UAE is part of the scheme - enter Fleetwood Mac in the search window and buy one of the 25 albums or compile your own.  When download is complete either burn a cd or sit back and listen and ponder why the Green Manalishi had a two pronged crown.

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Downloading music - first of all, don't stray from iTunes, there isn't any reason to. Connect the iPod to the computer, open iTunes (it should open automatically) and then put in the CD. Once it is recognised you can get the track, album and artist names downloaded automatically (Click on Advanced and then on Get CD Track Names). Then highlight the tracks you want to copy and drag them into your Library - Music (visible in the left hand menu bar). Simple.

Otherwise, click on Store - iTunes Store. You can then search for whatever you want by artist or by track title, and buy it (though you will have to set up a payment method first). Costs 79p a track or £7.49 for most albums. The only hassle with buying online is that you are limited to the number of computers you can authorise (5) and there are restrictions on burning CDs, which there aren't if you imported from CD. Sorry to go over some of what Mr E Tramp had already said, I got carried away there.

The reason for Tupac is actually because of a song/poem he wrote called 'The Rose That Grew From Concrete', which I use as part of lessons/assemblies about not allowing youself to be held back by your origins, be they ever so humble.

Did you hear about the rose that grew

from a crack in the concrete?

Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with

out having feet.

Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams, it learned

to breathe fresh air.

Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no

one else ever cared.

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Are you using iTunes or Anapod. If using Anapod (on the PC), you can always just create a playlist directly on the iPod (from the PC and just drag the tracks into the order you want. With my French classes I've not had any problem with the ordering when using Anapod to load the iPod although most PC player software (incl iTunes, WMP, etc.) can get the order a bit mixed.

If using Anapod, try checking the MP3 tags as Anapod.

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