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Complete France Forum

i NEED help!!!

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im sick of america and the life i have here... i need a new start i would like to move to france it has always been a dream of mine to live in europe im only 20 but i have no savings so i need a way to secure a job before i go over there i just have no clue how to go about this. can anyone help me???
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As you have no money you would probably be advised to try the UK, their govt seems more willing to give money etc to penniless immigrants.

Somewhere there is a plaque (but where? ) maybe you could try them

 ......................Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!




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[quote user="Russethouse"]


And who gave that well known monument to the country ?

The French !


and let's not forget the French contribution in helping to create the US... (shhht... don't tell GWB! [;-)])

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From your source:

"French motives had more to do with the persistent Franco-British

rivalry than the justness of the American cause. Through its alliance

with the American colonists, France hoped to drive a wedge between the

different parts of Britain’s American empire, thereby strengthening

France in relative terms and restoring its traditional role in the

European balance of power."

I'm pretty sure that the ancien regime did not view an independent United States of America with anything other than horror.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]I'm sure I read a theory quite recently that put forward the idea that had the British not been busy in other conflicts with the French there could have easily been a different outcome to the American War of Independence, I may even have read it here?[/quote]

The point I was trying to make (obviously not clearly enough) is that the French monarchy had no reason to support an American republic. In fact the exact opposite. They did have reason, though, to embarrass Britian if they could. Which is not the same as supporting the new USA in it's birth pangs. In fact the opposite, it was the young USA which supported France at the time of the revolution and the example of the Continental Congress which enthused the French revolutionaries.

American Independence - 1776

French Revolution - 1789

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Dear Transient,

From the ridiculous responses you have received from these people on this forum I would advise you to get your life together in the US first, ie. get some therapy if necessary, get a job, save some money, then travel to France to see if it is really where you want to be. Your dream of what living there would be like compared to the reality may be shocking. It seems to me that the people who have responded to you on this forum are self centered and heartless. All they have done is argue with each other about history or try to get you to move to England (yikes). If that is the general attitude toward Americans (or any other immigrants, no doubt)  in France, you will be more unhappy there than ever. Do some research and maybe even move somewhere closer. I live in beautiful British Columbia Canada. You couldn't find a more gorgeous, friendly and caring place than here. Forget France!! or at least go for a visit first.  Don't ask these cold hearted people, they are too into themselves.

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