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redevance audiovisuelle

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I have looked at past posts but cannot see the answer to my question. I have a TV/DVD player in our holiday home in France which we bought only for watching DVDs. We have no ariel, connection or any way of receiving french television. Do we still have to pay the redevance audiovisuelle? Unfortunately we bought the TV in France so I guess they have a record of the fact that we have a TV (I think they are automatically informed of a purchase, but I am not sure). Would this make a difference?

Thanks Lesley

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Owning a TV means that you are liable, whatever you use it for. If you gave your address then your details will have been passed on to the redevance collectors. It will come through  on your Taxe d'habitation bill..

By the way it is well worth trying French TV, if only as a way of listening to French at speed and to see the weather forecasts.



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[quote user="BJSLIV"]

By the way it is well worth trying French TV, if only as a way of listening to French at speed and to see the weather forecasts.


I agree. If we have to pay the 'licence' then we might as well be using the TV. Can anyone suggest the next best step? I don't know anything about the French TV set up or which are the best options. As it is a holiday home and we won't be spending much time watching TV, we don't want to spend much money. I have had a quick look at past posts but as there are nearly 90 pages, I'm finding it a bit confusing. Could anyone give me a simple run-down on the options?

Thanks Lesley

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Assuming you have a working aerial (preferably on the roof) then just go out and buy a cheap French TV in any supermarket.  Getting one with teletext is a good idea as you can switch on the sub titles and follow the languauge that way - that's how la direction re-learnt her French a few years ago.

You'll get the three main channels,  possibly two more,  and the analogue transmissions will go on until at least 2011.

As any TV bought now in France will have a Scart socket included you will (later) be able to plug other equipment in - such as a satellite box for British TV.

All done for about €100,  which is the same price I paid for a b/w portable in 1978 when £60 was worth a lot more than it is now....

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