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Help! - new computer plus broadband

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We finally decided that we had to replace our temperamental old computer and thought we'd also replace our dial-up AOL with broadband.

We've signed up with Neuf at €34,90 a month for broadband and unlimited phonecalls. The modem is to be posted to us and it'll apparantly be up to a month before it's active.

What I'd like to know is - is it easy to connect? how do the free phonecalls work? does the computer have to stay online to make/receive calls? will our existing cordless phones work? do I just plug them into the modem? There's a socket on the new computer marked 'ethernet' Is that where the modem plugs in?

The new computer has pre-loaded Windows XP Media Edition (in French). I'm fairly resigned to a French operating system, but is there any way of changing the operating system to English?

Sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm really struggling with new technology, although it will be wonderful not to be stuck with the terrible dial-up internet we have at present.

Many, many thanks for any advice


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Hello Cheryl

I'll answer what I can.  We are with Free but I assume Neuf is no more complicated.

Easy to connect - yes.

Free phone calls work as long as your phone is plugged into the modem phone socket.

You can switch your computer off but you keep your modem on at all times to make/receive calls.

Existing French cordless phones work, as do some UK cordless.

Yes (see above).  Plug the base station into hte phone socket on the back of the modem.

Ethernet socket on PC - yes, plug the modem in there.

You can't change French Windows XP to English - you'll need to buy International or English XP.  Stick with French and you'll get used to it - I did.  If you get stuck on anything to do with it please PM me.

PS - To receive calls on our old FT number we have to have a phone plugged into the FT socket with a filter - I do not know if Neuf is the same.

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Thank you so much for your reply.

I'm a bit confused with  'To receive calls on our old FT number we have to have a phone plugged into the FT socket with a filter - I do not know if Neuf is the same.' - wouldn't the Neuf modem be plugged into the FT socket?

The shop where we ordered Neuf said we'll keep our current FT number, although Neuf will cancel the FT contract for us, so presumably we wouldn't need the filter?

Sorry to be so dim!

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With your modem you'll get a socket that plugs into your FT wall socket.  A lead runs from that to your modem.  But piggybacked on the plug that goes into the wall socket is a filter and socket where you can plug your phone in directly to your FT line so as to receive calls on your old FT line. 

HOWEVER from your last post I take it you are "dégroupé" and so will no longer be paying FT any line rental, only Neuf.  In that case people calling your old FT number may well be able to call you even when the phone is plugged into the modem - I do not know for sure as we are not dégroupage.  Other people here are so they should be able to confirm if this is the case.

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With the system you have ordered Neuf will transfer your old FT number to their service. The only phone that will work is the phone plugged into the Neufbox, which has to be switched on at all time for the phone to work. The computer can be switched off.

If you have a power cut the phone doesn't work!

As any other sockets wont work you won't need filters for them, and you might as well  disconnect any additional phones just in case they add any noise to the circuit.

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It's getting clearer (well, a bit clearer!). The man in the shop claimed our cordless phones will work OK - is that right? Presumably we'd plug the base station of the main phone through the Neufbox, then the second one just into a mains electric socket as we do now?

We've only got one FT socket (which is by the computer), so that's one thing that's right.

Many thanks for the help


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Gosh! I am starting to understand!

I had thought that it would be a good idea to put a 'pay as you go' dial-up ISP on the old computer so I could still get on the internet if I get stuck with getting broadband to work, but thinking about it, that won't be possible as there won't be an FT line to plug it into! Oh dear, I'd better get it right!


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Unless there's something very different about the French system I don't see why you shouldn't use dial-up as a back-up if you want to, especially if it's going to take that long to activate your ADSL (broadband) line. All you need is a phone line, it doesn't need to be a FT one. The machinery at your ISP's end won't be able to tell the difference. Again, someone I'm sure will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you will need to use a filter once the broadband is activated as it's there to separate the speech transmissions from the data transmissions and your normal calls will be affected if you don't. You can always try it with and without once you're up and running. If you make a speech call without it and there's lots of hissing and distortion then you'll know you need to use it.

Hope I haven't confused things even further!

Sorry, just re-read the previous posts and the reference re: filters was for extra sockets which I hadn't noticed. You will need a filter on the one you've got though.
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