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Internet Explorer 7: anyone having problems connecting to websites?

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Yesterday I installed IE7 on my laptop (the one that gets schlepped from the US to FR), and I've been having some odd and intermittent problems connecting to websites.  In the US (where I am now) I connect wirelessly through our home network router.  In France my ISP is Orange and I use a USB modem.

Yesterday IE7 opened to my homepage without a hitch, but gave "unable to connect" kinds of error messages for some other sites.  Fortunately, I had already downloaded the "User Agent String Utility" tool (which mimics IE6) and, using one or the other of the browser windows, was able to get to everything I wanted.

Interestingly enough, after awhile I was able to access the originally difficult sites via the regular IE7 window.

This morning, however, when I booted up, I got connection error messages for all sites on both the regular IE7 and the spoofing window for about 20 minutes.  Just when I was about ready to sling the laptop across the room, it suddenly was able to connect and has been working fine ever since (I haven't rebooted yet).

I had changed absolutely no settings on my browser or firewall, my computer showed me connected both to the home network and our DSL service the entire time, and the PC which is also connected through the router (but has IE6 installed) had no connection problems.

Has anyone experienced these kinds of problems in France?  I'm really concerned about this because: 1. I don't have another computer there for backup ADSL connection; and 2. I already get incompatibility-type error messages about my Orange-supplied modem when I boot there.  (So far I've always just ignored the messages, and it's connected anyway.  I've downloaded the latest driver for the modem but am waiting until it's absolutely necessary to install it.)

Sorry this is so long.  Just wanted to know if anyone has experienced this weirdness, and, if so, how you solved the problem.  Thanks for reading.


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With IE7 you should no longer need the "User Agent String Utility" as it now has its proper User Agent string (as its release software, and virtually all web sites that have browser specific functionality recognise IE7 now.

Sounds like a problem with Orange's infrastructure. It's something I see occasionally with Orange (rather too occasionally). Often (but not always) it starts when there is bad weather (e.g. thunder storms) and can take some time to "recover". Its the same with all browsers. When it happens it often seems worse with overseas web sites (e.g. UK based sites tend to be worse). also, when it happens your ADSL connection is invariable solid (as it has nothing to do with your ADSL connection.

However, what is a "spoofing window" ? The "User Agent String Utility" I used to use was just a set of registry entries that modified how IE7 reported itself to web sites that asked. Never heard of an IE7 "spoofing window".

There are several reasons why it might work better after you re-boot. Depending on where you are you may easily be directed to a different connection point (for example, sometimes I route through Nantes, sometimes through Paris). Either way, re-connecting will probably get you a new IP address and a new DNS address (which may have a different set of names cached).


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Hi, Ian, apparently I managed to be wordy without being clear. 

1. I was in the US when I installed IE7 (still am), so have not tested it out with Orange yet.  My previous problems with Orange stem from the fact that the driver for the Wanadoo/Orange-provided modem has some kind of minor incompatibility with my WinXP software.  It has worked better since I deleted all the extraneous Wanadoo/Orange software, but still nags me at log-in.  I suspect it will be even worse when I'm connecting with IE7, therefore I've downloaded a couple of driver updates (but won't install them until/unless it becomes necessary).

2. The "User Agent String Utility" I downloaded is the one linked to the IE7 Release Notes page:

"Accessing websites that only work with Internet Explorer 6-- Some websites host pages that are hard coded to read the User Agent string, and only accept the value for Internet Explorer 6. You can temporarily appear to the website that you are using Internet Explorer 6 by using the User Agent Utility. The tool will create an instance of Internet Explorer 7 that emulates Internet Explorer 6. Other instances of Internet Explorer 7 will not be affected."


When you run it, it opens a separate browser window.  I haven't needed to use it today.

3. After I installed IE7 on my laptop yesterday, I know I rebooted at least once (because I had to download some updates for it that required rebooting), and, once I'd accessed all the "difficult" sites using the UAU, it was working fine.  The problem arose this morning when I booted up the laptop and for about 15 or 20 minutes it wouldn't connect to the internet at all even though the status of both my LAN and wireless connection showed as connected and the PC connected to the same router was having no problems.

I still don't know why it suddenly started connecting (I hadn't changed any settings), but it's behaving normally now (I've now rebooted once since then today with no problems).  I guess I'll just have to see what happens tomorrow.



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I doubt it has anything to do with IE7. Almost certainly related to the ISP infrastructure or Orange/Wanadoo software. I now run only "pure IE7" and have not found any web sites that fail to recognise the browser (this site was the last to update). It sounds exactly like infrastructure issues if it cannot find the web site.

A lot of people running the Wanadoo/Orange software find it something of a problem. I got rid of it ages ago (caused too many problems). If you in the US and still have the Orange/Wanadoo software (or bits of it) I'm surprised you can even see the internet !!.

Again, almost certainly not IE7 but ISP infrastructure or Orange/Wanadoo software. You do not need the software to access the internet, not even in France and not even if Orange is your ISP. However, if you have already installed it getting it off the PC is something of a challenge. Took me ages to kill off and get rid of all the bits it leaves running around the place.


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By the way, the link you give to the "User Agent String" thing from Microsoft is the registry changes to change the way IE7 reports itself to web sites that ask about the browser. According the the description of the download anyway. It says nothing about any spoofing window, just registry changes. Are you sure you have downloaded the same thing (I've not installed it as everything (I've found) these days works pretty well with IE7).


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[quote user="Deimos"]

By the way, the link you give to the "User Agent String" thing from Microsoft is the registry changes to change the way IE7 reports itself to web sites that ask about the browser. According the the description of the download anyway. It says nothing about any spoofing window, just registry changes. Are you sure you have downloaded the same thing (I've not installed it as everything (I've found) these days works pretty well with IE7).



That's the link I used to get the download.  I haven't needed to use it today, though.  When it's installed and run, it opens up a new window with more explanation and advises that you close the UAS window when you've finished with whatever website(s) you needed it for.

I can't explain it properly- too clueless.

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