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Outlook and Wanadoo

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I have a problem that is extremely frustrating and wondered whether only other forum member could help.

The problem:

Outlook seems to say that it is sending messages when acually I have nothing in either drafts or outbox.

Whilst this is going on I get numberous password/username requests from Wanadoo - I dont use this

Other info:

I have 3 mail accounts none of which are Wanadoo

I was previously recommended to make a change to Wanadeoo settings which seemed to work


If there  is a way to purge the outbox (though there is nothing in it) i wonder if that would help.


Many thanks,





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Mike, it sounds from what you have described, that your system has been infiltrated by a third party. They steal your account and send emails (usually spam) to third parties without your knowledge.

Outlook and Outlook Express are the two packages that suffer the most attacks from hackers, try Hotmail or Gmail as they are both better protected and have very good 'junk' filters.

I presume you have a good virus package, totally up to date.

An active firewall. (the Windows one, combined with IE7 is really quite good)

All your Windows updates loaded.

I would run a full system virus scan, download software such as Spybot and run it (it's a free download)

Run a full registry check.

Check your phone bill (if you're not on broadband) for premium rate calls.

Trust this is of use.

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Outlook can be set to "Send and Receive" messages automatically every pre-set period. This is mainly to collect any messages from your e-mail server. Most people set this period to be reasonably short (I have mine at every 5 minutes). To control what is "sent and recieved" to use the "Send and Receive" configuration. In practice the "Send" aspect is not desperately useful as most people have their Outlook configured to send automatically and immediately something is queued (i.e. appears in the Outbox). Thus, 24 hours a day my Outlook connects to Wanadoo/Orange and checks for mail on a couple of servers (previously both Wanadoo ad Google mail). The way I've got mine set-up it just quietly gets on with is - displays a brief indication in the Outlook window status bar but no pop-ups, no new windows, nothing like that - but that's how mine is configured.

Things should not be sent from the Drafts folder (as they are draft items and thus not ready to be sent.

Unfortunately you give very little info about your configuration. If you are connected to the internet (Wanadoo/Orange) through a router I would not expect you to be asked for a password unless there are missing passwords in your account configuration. Most people include passwords necessary for each account in their account configuration.

If you are connecting through a "dial-up" (including an ADSL connection that is not always available), then the username/password request is probably Outlook establishing a connection to the internet.

Outlook and Windows connectivity is actually quite flexible allowing it to be used in loads of different ways. What you need to do depends on what sort of connection you have, how you want to use it, etc.

If you have the Wanadoo/Orange software installed then everything is much harder as you lose quite a few of the connection configuration parameters. Most people find things work a lot lot better without the Orange/Wanadoo software.

Difficult to advice as there are so many possible methods of using your configuration and a lot depends on what you want (how you want to use it) as well as how you are connecting to the internet.

I cannot say you do not have any Spyware, etc. but more likely your Outlook/Internet configuration.


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Many thanks Deimos,

I have a full time ADSL connection and have configured my Outlook to pick up automatically on 1 on the 3 email accounts that I have which seems to be working fine. The problem is that though I have nothing in my outbox, when attempting a manual send and receive Outlook provides info on the task bar "sending message 1 of 2. Whilst attempting to send (though there is nothing in my outbox) a dialogue box pops up asking for

Please type your user name and password

Server is fixed at: mail.wanadoo.fr

User name


I think this only relates to a tiscali.co.uk mail account.

You mentioned not using the wanadoo software. If I was to remove this would I have any problems still connecting to both the internet and my POP3/SMTP email accounts via my livebox?


Many thanks,


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I've been connecting to the internet through Wanadoo/Orange for a couple of years now without their software (initially through dial-up and subsequently though ADSL - ADSL initially through a connection on demand and more recently through a router).

There is no need to use their software (which is basically c**p).

I use the wanadoo secure servers rather than their default servers. However, I thought their default servers were pop.wanadoo.fr and smtp.wanadoo.fr not mail.wanadoo.fr. Also, if its talking to a wanadoo server then its unlikely to be a tiscalli mail server requiring a username and password. It it was a tiscalli mail server the address would not be wanadoo.fr !!


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I use the full version of Outlook as part of Office Pro 2003. I find that Outlook sends a lot of time "synchronising folders" and while it's doing this all other mail activity is very slow or stops altogether. I've never been sure what it's actually synchorinising with but it's always done this. Perhaps something similar is happening with you?

As a clue the Outlook icon in the lower right of the taskbar changes to a more white-looking symbol (sorry about the vague description, I'll have to wait until it does it again) and if you hover the cursor over it it then display "synchronising folders". I don't have any other computers so it's not a network thing.


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