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Help - Favourites disappeared

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Please help I am a completely computer illiterate person.  My computer decided (for reasons best known to itself) to install Windows Internet Explorer 7.  When the new format has appeared I do not appear to have a section 'Favourites' on the toolbar and all my sites have disappeared[:(]  If I right click on a site I can get 'add to favourites' and all my old files come up but then it disappears.  Are they still there (please say yes) how can I get them back????     Please help
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Can you see a yellow star in the top left-hand corner?  If yes, then click on it, if no the press the ALT and C keys at the same time.

The smaller yellow star with the green + sign is to add a new site to your favourites.


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Thanks Cat - found it now - told you I was stupid.  Do you know I can't do pictures, is there a word for that like dyslexic??  If things are in writing I can understand, but if it a series of pictures (IKEA springs to mind) I just go blank.  So when I couldn't find the word I panicked.   Happy now, thanks again.
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A lot of the old style menus we knew and loved in IE6 have now been incorporated into the Page and Tools drop-down menus at the top right of the browser window, but by hitting the ALT key they will reappear in the usual place.


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IE6 was full of holes and '7' is much more secure. The anti 'phishing' bit is good, but can slow things down. I would suggest that you turn it off on regularly used sites and that will speed things up a bit.

If you can't get on with it it is removeable by simply deleting it in 'add/remove programs'. Your PC should revert back to IE6 providing it's still on your system, but, as always, do a 'system restore' before you start.

Enjoy, it's only a dumb machine..................[:D]

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[quote user="Cerise"]Please help I am a completely computer illiterate person.  My computer decided (for reasons best known to itself) to install Windows Internet Explorer 7.  When the new format has appeared I do not appear to have a section 'Favourites' on the toolbar and all my sites have disappeared[:(]  If I right click on a site I can get 'add to favourites' and all my old files come up but then it disappears.  Are they still there (please say yes) how can I get them back????     Please help[/quote]

As the other posters have addressed your immediate problems, I tackle this one.  You should have gotten a query (along the lines of "An update to Internet Explorer is available, do you want to install?") before Internet Explorer 7 was installed on your computer.  Perhaps you didn't, or perhaps you did and gave permission, not realizing what a complete overhaul was involved.  Doesn't matter.  To prevent such from happening in the future, you can do the following:

1. Go to Start/Control Panel/Security Center and turn Automatic Updates OFF

2. Look down the page to where it says: Manage Security Settings for: and click on Automatic Updates.  

3.  In the Automatic Update box that pops up choose either "Notify me but don't automatically download or install them." or "Turn off Automatic Updates".  Note that if you choose the latter (my choice), you must remember to go to the Microsoft Update Site every month to check for the latest updates and patches.  If you don't want to do that, then have them notify you.

4. Choose okay.

The link to the Microsoft Update Site is:




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You guys are really helpful, thanks.  Next question - how do you turn the 'phishing' bit off only for certain sites? Have to say this gives me alittle image of a garden gnome sitting in the back of my computer!!

Thanks again for explaining things in terms even I can understand.

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Tenniswatch, IE7 is a great improvement on previous versions with far greater security defences. I am somewhat puzzled why you are even suggesting turning off automatic updates as you are always warned and asked if you want to proceed. You suggest that a check every month should be undertaken but do you really want to leave your computer unprotected when Microsoft issue either a  priority update or patch for any longer than necessary. I feel far happier leaving on automatic updates and being informed immediately.


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[quote user="Cerise"]

You guys are really helpful, thanks.  Next question - how do you turn the 'phishing' bit off only for certain sites? Have to say this gives me alittle image of a garden gnome sitting in the back of my computer!!

Thanks again for explaining things in terms even I can understand.


Have the site you want to add as a trusted site on your screen. (This saves you having to do any typing)

Double-Click on the little Globe (internet) in the bottom-right of your screen.

Click the 'Tick' (trusted Sites')

Click Sites (the site you are on should appear in the little box)

Click Add Site

Smile and have yourself a cup of tea............................[:D][:D]

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[quote user="Baz"]

Tenniswatch, IE7 is a great improvement on previous versions with far greater security defences. I am somewhat puzzled why you are even suggesting turning off automatic updates as you are always warned and asked if you want to proceed. You suggest that a check every month should be undertaken but do you really want to leave your computer unprotected when Microsoft issue either a  priority update or patch for any longer than necessary. I feel far happier leaving on automatic updates and being informed immediately.



First of all, Microsoft very rarely issues patches and updates "out of cycle", but if I were concerned about the possibility of missing one, then I would choose the option to be notified.

Second, infrequently (but less rarely), a patch or update will itself cause problems.  When the "fix" for that is simple, MS usually updates the patch within a few days: I've learned to wait until they've had a chance to do that before I update our computers.

I keep on top of what's going on so that I know when both the regular and "out of cycle" updates are available.  Then I go to the update website and read the info about each patch or update so that I can anticipate any potential problems, or, indeed, avoid any patches that aren't really relevent for our software and configurations.

I've installed IE7 on my laptop and will soon install it on my husband's PC.  I'm quite careful to keep the security and anti-spyware/anti-malware software up-to-date, and we've never had any problems with either computer. 

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[quote user="Bugbear"][quote user="Cerise"]

You guys are really helpful, thanks.  Next question - how do you turn the 'phishing' bit off only for certain sites? Have to say this gives me alittle image of a garden gnome sitting in the back of my computer!!

Thanks again for explaining things in terms even I can understand.


Have the site you want to add as a trusted site on your screen. (This saves you having to do any typing)

Double-Click on the little Globe (internet) in the bottom-right of your screen.

Click the 'Tick' (trusted Sites')

Click Sites (the site you are on should appear in the little box)

Click Add Site

Smile and have yourself a cup of tea............................[:D][:D]


Bugbear, thanks for this useful tip. This is what makes this site so valuable, you never stop learning.


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By default, Internet Explorer 7 doesn’t seem to show the drop down menu bar (File / Edit / View / Favourites, etc).

I find it faster to use rather than scrolling across to the buttons at the right hand side of the screen.  To make it visible, click on the “Tools” button at the right hand side of the screen and then tick “Menu Bar”.

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