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Internet - always on?

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Now we`ve got broadband, the internet starts up as we switch on the computer. Is this normal? Sometimes we don`t want to be on the net, so is it possible to change it so that it only goes on the net when we ask it to?

It`s a French computer, so if possible, can anyone who can help tell me what to do in French?

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[quote user="cheryla"]

Now we`ve got broadband, the internet starts up as we switch on the computer. Is this normal? Sometimes we don`t want to be on the net, so is it possible to change it so that it only goes on the net when we ask it to?[/quote]

You'll probably find a little icon on the bar at the bottom right, near the clock, that looks like two monitors or little tellies. You can right-click on it (unless you are on a Mac) and disconnect.

But we too prefer to be always online: you can hear your email coming in and listen to radio four.

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Many thanks for the replies.

It`s only a problem (I think) because I downloaded AOL Instant Messenger as my daughter likes to message me on it. Now, every time anyone goes online a message pops up to tell us, which seems to upset some programmes.

I`ve looked for the icon at the bottom right of the screen, but there isn`t one as described.

At present we`ve got Norton security on a free 60 day trial (it was pre-installed on the new computer). We used to use AVG Free. Is Norton better? Does anyone know how much it costs after the free trial? Again, it`s all in French, so would it be possible to change it to English?

Sorry to have so many questions!

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[quote user="cheryla"]

I`ve looked for the icon at the bottom right of the screen, but there isn`t one as described.

At present we`ve got Norton security on a free 60 day trial (it was pre-installed on the new computer). We used to use AVG Free. Is Norton better? Does anyone know how much it costs after the free trial? Again, it`s all in French, so would it be possible to change it to English?[/quote]

If you don't see the two little tellies, do you perhaps see a tiny blue monitor with "beams" sort of coming off it? That would be your wifi connection. Try right-clicking that.

Because it is hard describing the icon, I've put an illustration online: http://www.xs4all.nl/~hogen/voorbeeld/icon.htm .

I personally hate Norton: it is far too obtrusive for my taste and very hard to remove (if you want to remove it, google for 'norton removal tool') and it is no better than AVG. There are always tests to show this or that product is best,  but there is very little in it and who is to say those tests are reliable. I have used AVG for years on all our five pc's and we have had no problems so far.

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If AOL Messnger is all you're worried about then there must be a way to prevent it from starting up with the PC.

Along with many other programmes the default is probably to start with Windows so you need to change this behaviour.

Here is a site I found with Google search for "stop aol messenger starting with pc" and you'll find what you need under Service Connection.


On a personal note IMHO AOL and it's software are the spawn of the Devil and I would not countenance it on any computer of mine...!


Remember:- Google is your friend...!


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To activate network connection icon on the taskbar.

Click Start - Control Panel - Network Connections

Right click your network connection - Select Properties - Tick box (show icon when connected)

Smile and have a cup of tea.......................[:)]


To turn off connection, right click the icon, then select disable.

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Right! I`ve now got AOL IM so that it doesn`t start up when the computers switched on, then I followed Bugbears instructions (slowly as its all in French!) and got the 2 moniters on the bottom right of the screen. However, when I selected `disable`the icon disappeared and I could only get it back by going back into Network Connections and clicking àctivate`on the connection (though the internet still came on).

It`s all rather confusing!!

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I'm getting confused now.

If you are having a session on your PC and don't want your internet connection on then Disable it.

If you want to go in and out of the internet, just leave it activated.

It's it's only Messanger you don't want, Disable it at the start of your session.

A lot of people worried about always being connected when they first switched from Dial-up to Broadband but, honestly, as long as you keep your Anti Virus, Windows Updates and Firewall up to date, you are as safe as anyone can be.

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Sorry not very tecnical minded but I have a button with a symbol that looks like this (( I )) (looks like a radio mast, )on my computer I just turn it on and off to stop start my connection, If its off when I turn my computer on it wont start up untill i turn it on
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Good you've got AOL under control.

Whilst right clicking on the network icon and disabling will indeed disconnect your PC it is very clumsy method because what it does is actually simply disable or switch off the network connection from your PC to your router after which you have no option but to go into Network Connections and re-enable it.

As I said before there should be a facility in your router to make it disconnect after a period of inactivity and reconnect on demand. Which router do you have ?

I do agree that if your AV is up to date then it really is unneccessary to disconnect. Also most routers have a built in firewall which will further protect you from unwanted nasties. As an extra level you could download the free version of ZoneAlarm.

It's worth remembering that 99% of nasties are contracted either from opening up unsolicited emails and/or attachments, illegally downloading software from dodgy sources or visiting porn sites, none of which you indulge in I'm sure...!


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[quote user="Dirty Tom"]Sorry not very tecnical minded but I have a button with a symbol that looks like this (( I )) (looks like a radio mast, )on my computer I just turn it on and off to stop start my connection, If its off when I turn my computer on it wont start up untill i turn it on[/quote]You're presumably using a Wireless connection to your router and what you are doing is turning the radio on or off which is fine.

Unfortunately the ethernet (wired) connection does not quite provide the same function.

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I`m hopeful that setting AIM to not come on automatically will solve the problem. I think you`re right that I`m worrying about the internet being on all the time simply because I`m not used to it, and it feels as if there`s more danger of it getting infiltrated by something nasty! However we`ve got Norton security, so that will (I hope) look after it.

I`m so used to being `careful`about how long I was on line (I was on a 50 hours a month contract and wasted most of it with slow connections and crashes!) that it takes a bit of adjustment for it to be there all the time.

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Have I mis-read your original posting!, looking at the replys I obviously have.

Do you mean that when you start-up your PC your BROWSER starts as well?. If so just close it.  Broadband is connected all the time but you don't have to surf the Internet until you start your client browser i.e. Internet Explorer.


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I`m showing my total ignorance now! I didn`t realise that the internet was always connected. It wasn`t that the browser (thats the ISP`s home page isn`t it?) was on - it was that AOL Instant Messenger came on, which showed me that the internet was on (and I thought it wasn`t supposed to be!)? Now that I`ve altered AIM to come on only when I tell it to (and now I know that the internet is supposed to be always connected) it all seems to be working great.

Many thanks for the replies (and for being patient with my lack of knowledge)


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[quote user="Russethouse"]One thing - from all I have read here over the years - if you decide to go with AVG you MUST delete and remove Norton, as you have paid for Norton, you are probably best to wait until it starts costing you money.[/quote]

Removing Norton completely from your computer is so difficult that Symantec even offer a special programme to do it. You can get this from:


Now, if only AOL would consider doing something similar...[:D]

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