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More probs with Internet Explorer 7

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I know Internet Explorer 7 has been discussed before and, now having downloaded it, I have what is I hope a fairly simple problem:

In order to get the font size to a reasonably readable level, I lose the page width and have to keep scrolling to and fro to read lines (not just this site but everything!)  And the font is horrible and half the letters are squidged up together.  Is there a menu somewhere I can access to get things looking normal again?

Chrissie (81)

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If IE7 is giving problems then why not just download Firefox? There are many IT people using it and if you don't like it you can just go back to IE7. Why mess with something that does not suit you when there is something much better out there for free?

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[quote user="Bob T"]If IE7 is giving problems then why not just download Firefox? There are many IT people using it and if you don't like it you can just go back to IE7. Why mess with something that does not suit you when there is something much better out there for free?

'cos its pants, perhaps?

& I can't run IE7 (W2000), so I am stuck with IE6, which is the best of a bad lot....


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Thanks everyone - I hadn't seen the zoom thing hidden away in the bottom right hand corner[:$], but jiggling around with text size and that button has finally got me a readable version of things.

Am still not too happy with the menus/toolbars but have customised them as best I can and I expect in a few weeks it'll seem normal.....

Chrissie (81)


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[quote user="nicktrollope"]

[quote user="Bob T"]If IE7 is giving problems then why not just download Firefox? There are many IT people using it and if you don't like it you can just go back to IE7. Why mess with something that does not suit you when there is something much better out there for free?


'cos its pants, perhaps?

& I can't run IE7 (W2000), so I am stuck with IE6, which is the best of a bad lot....


I take it that your comment that Firefox is pants is you opinion and not based on experience. As I have said many IT companies use Firefox rather than IE mainly because it is more secure. Having worked with IT since the early 80s, when I was trained as a systems analyst, and having worked with many big businesses, I can assure you that it is a serious piece of software and does not require the security updates that IE seems to need each month. But it is a free world, use what you want, but please give us the reasons for the "pants" remark so that we can all learn from your experience.

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How can one have an opinion without experience? I tried (and continue to try) Fiefox since it came out - and my opinion hasn't changed. It has issues with Java and applets and a whole host of other "issue" and the support is non-existant. Free it maybe, serious it maybe, good it ain't. (IMHO, of course).


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It's a little application which does something. Which exhausts my knowledge on the subject.

Wikipedia, however, knows more:

"An applet is a software component that runs in the context of another program, for example a web browser. An applet usually performs a very narrow function that has no independent use. Hence, it is an application -let. The term was introduced in AppleScript

in 1993. An applet is distinguished from "subroutine" by several

features. First, it executes only on the "client" platform environment

of a system, as contrasted from "servlet."

As such, an applet provides functionality or performance beyond the

default capabilities of its container (the browser). Also, in contrast

with a subroutine, certain capabilities are restricted by the

container. An applet is written in a language that is different from

the scripting or HTML

language which invokes it. The applet is written in a compiled

language, while the scripting language of the container is an

interpreted language, hence the greater performance or functionality of

the applet. Unlike a "subroutine," a complete web component can be

implemented as an applet."
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[quote user="Cassis"]What are the Java and applet issues?  I haven't had any problems with them in Firefox. 

Java & ActiveX won't, and any number of applets (from the sort of sites that I visit!) don't run. Many of the extensions are uninstallable (on my network, W2000 & W2000 Server). These matters have been discussed before, on this & other forums.

Biggest problem is the complete lack of support for the product - I have never managed to get an answer from them.

So, I go back to IE6 (which was the original point of the thread) which works, most of the time.


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Does anyone know how to access the option to get IE7 to 'check for newer version of web page every visit'. Just realised that since I changed from IE6 a few days ago my homepage was 4 days old. I know I can manually refresh but would like it on auto. Have looked in all the obviously places but d*mned if I can find it .

Thanks - Tony

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[quote user="Ssc"]

Does anyone know how to access the option to get IE7 to 'check for newer version of web page every visit'. Just realised that since I changed from IE6 a few days ago my homepage was 4 days old. I know I can manually refresh but would like it on auto. Have looked in all the obviously places but d*mned if I can find it .

Thanks - Tony


Tools/Internet Options/General/Browsing History Settings/Check for newer versions of stored web pages

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[quote user="tenniswitch"][quote user="Ssc"]

Does anyone know how to access the option to get IE7 to 'check for newer version of web page every visit'. Just realised that since I changed from IE6 a few days ago my homepage was 4 days old. I know I can manually refresh but would like it on auto. Have looked in all the obviously places but d*mned if I can find it .

Thanks - Tony


Tools/Internet Options/General/Browsing History Settings/Check for newer versions of stored web pages


Found it and changed settings to check for new pages every time. Really wierd, my homepage BBC still doesn't auto refresh. All other web pages seem Ok, its just my homepage. Does anyone have any suggestions.

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That does seem odd.  When you logged on today, you got yesterday's page?  So it can't just be that they've gotten slow about updating the page during the day?

I've not had that problem with my homepage in IE7 (but then my homepage isn't BBC).  I'll think on it (as we like to say in the backwoods).

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