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Help with Internet connection failure

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This has got me baffled. I am using a Belkin ADSL Router and up until yesterday I have had no problems with it. Yesterday I could not get on the internet at all (the light on the router showing internet was off). Checked everything I could think of but no success. Eventually I disconnected the router for half an hour and voila, when re-connected it worked. Problem is, it has happened again this morning, but using the same approach, I am now back on.

Any suggestions gratefully received.


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Gary, I'm afraid I can't give any suggestions as to what the problem might be, but I can suggest some questions that you could answer here to make it easier for someone more knowledgeable than myself to attempt to diagnose the problem.

1. What is the model number of the router?

2. Does it disconnect when not in use, or whilst you are using it?

2a. If not in use, could it be happening at the same time each day/night?

2b. If in use, what were you attempting to do when it disconnected?

3. Does the router produce a log that you could post here?



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No ADSL for us in France yet, but at our English house we get something similar, with a Linksys router on Tesco Broadband. Just switching off the router and back on again seems to cure it - we have got used to it by now, and I am told it is not unusual.
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[quote user="Ron Avery"]Get a Livebox [:D][:D][/quote]

Yea, right.....................................................[:)][:)]


The model number of the router is F5D7632fr4A

It only disconnects when not in use. (logged on but not being used) and there is no 'time-pattern.

The only log I can find is a security log and that contains only details of initial setup.

It's only started happening in the last two days.

The router is less than six-months old.

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Correct, Will, I use Blueyonder (now Virgin) and it is the first step in their troubleshooting guide. I've had to do it  a few times. You have to turn it off, off (unplug it) and wait 30 seconds or else it will not reset.

Edit - the other possibility, Gary, is that your ISP has gone down - do they have a service status page you could check?

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Another thing worth trying is to get your phone line checked.  I had these problems last year with just an ordinary modem.  First I blamed my PC, it was very old you see.  The internet would drop out mainly during the evenings, it made me very cross.  Then the phone started ringing and no one would be there.  This was happening at 3.00am, I was not a happy bunny.  Then one day my phone line went down completely.  FT came out and had to replace some of the cables down the road from me, they said this was the cause of my ailing internet connection.

All has been fine since then for about 3 months, then it started happening again last night and this morning.  Looks like I need a new cable elsewhere now.

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I had the same problem but with a different make of router.  My problem was down to overheating, not of the router but of the weedy power supply.  It would work OK if I dangled it out of the window - now there's a high-tech solution for you.  In the end I got fed up and picked up a really nice router for about 10 quid.
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[quote user="Bugbear"]Thanks Dotty, we also had new lines fitted some months ago and my connection went down the same time as yours. I wonder if it's a Wanadoo/Orange thing ?[/quote]

Could be.  Sometimes my connection just drops for no apparent reason (I just have a modem in France, no router).  If I reboot & connect okay, I assume it's a software conflict (my laptop doesn't really like my modem driver), if I don't get a connection, it's usually because dear Orange is down.

That being said, sometimes modems and routers get weird.  The general procedure for resetting them (all brands) is to turn everything off.  Unplug the router and then the modem (if you have one).  Wait 30-60 seconds.  Plug in modem and turn it on.  Plug in router and turn it on.  Reboot computer and cross your fingers.

And, of course there's the possibility that the problem is with your telephone lines.  Had any nice electrical storms lately?  Or even just heavy rainfall?

Good luck.



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If it's any help. My ADSL router ia a Thompson Speedtouch 530 and my ISP is Wanadoo Orange on their 1mega service. A few weeks ago I found that sometimes the network connection would disappear and the only way to bring it back was to power off the router. It has been OK for the last couple of weeks. It only happened during periods of inactivity.

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My problem with intermittent broadband was down to a videosender between our sky box and a tv in another part of the house. This, being wireless, caused problems with the wireless connexion between the PC and the router.


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Hi Gary,

    had the same problem myself last night, I am with Club-Internet, powered down...powered up and still nothing so began a complete re-install of the ADSL box but when the box tried to communicate with CI it came back with a message saying that I had entered my login name or password wrong, I had not. In the end I shut down and went to bed and this morning all is fine again, so although a different day to Dick's link maybe it was more of the same thing? Is there a very small reset button on the underside of your router (some have) you need to press it with a ball point pen for 15 seconds to reset the Router but maybe that is just the same as powering it off, anyway glad to be back.[:D]

best regards



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