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I have opened an email, it was innocently tittled ........Confirmation.

As I have been usubscribing to some companies and joining others I opened this one.

I am putting this on here just as a warning to those that have youngsters who use the PC.

When I clicked on the tittle there was a VERY graphic colour picture of 2 young girls at each side of an ethnic mans erect willy!

What do these people get out of posting things like that?

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Make sure that if you get any emails from people that you don't recognise, and they contain a website link, you aviod clicking on the link. This will just confirm that your email address is a valid one and it will be passed to every spammer in the world.

Best not to open them at all.

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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]

" 2 young girls at each side of an ethnic mans erect willy! "

 What do you mean by "ethnic" ?  and is that four young girls then ? surely not ...  doesn't bear thinking about.



Tell you what , Sarky pants! Next time I open one of these by accident  I will send it to you to have a good look at!

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[quote user="opas"][quote user="Jane and Danny"]

" 2 young girls at each side of an ethnic mans erect willy! "

 What do you mean by "ethnic" ?  and is that four young girls then ? surely not ...  doesn't bear thinking about.



Tell you what , Sarky pants! Next time I open one of these by accident  I will send it to you to have a good look at!


Sorry if you felt offended... I would still like to know what you meant by "ethnic" though.


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    thanks for the warning. I think there is an attempt to draw you into a race argument here, I've a good idea that we all understand what you meant.

best regards


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[quote user="Bob T"]Make sure that if you get any emails from people that you don't recognise, and they contain a website link, you avoid clicking on the link. This will just confirm that your email address is a valid one and it will be passed to every spammer in the world.
Best not to open them at all.

I did a very stupid thing a few weeks ago and now I am paying for it. I receive spam e-mails very regularly and they are obviously always from the same source i.e. always the same format and the text is always multicoloured. Anyway, I stupidly hit the reply button to a few and said STOP.

Now I receive literally dozens and dozens a day, every time it is from a different e-mail address because I block the sender each time I receive one. I now have hundreds in my blocked sender list but it is useless. It is just unbelievable that someone would go to that sort of effort to change their e-mail address dozens of times everyday and the content on many of the emails are complete nonsense.

Therefore my advice in addition to Bob T's, is never hit the reply button as well. [:@]

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I have to say that is one thing that my email with BTOpenwound is good at.  The Spam filter is very accurate and if the odd one does slip through to my inbox I can just click on a little flame icon and the offending message is condemmed to the pits of hell without so much as a preview, let alone a reply, and the sender is added to BT's naughty list (no presents for them from Santa) There are also some good utilities out there like Spamwasher that will do the same thing, and many ISP's offer a similar service.
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For a long time now I have tried to follow the advice of not opening any emails I don't recognise, but when emails come in the first one is always highlighted and I am able to read it, is this opened?  If I receive a dodgy one will I therefore have opened it without meaning to?

Incidently I have found a tool whereby I can put in a word I want to avoid in the message or title and it deletes it automatically.  At present I have about 100 words in there for this tool (and yes, that is one of the words) to detect and delete.   

Is it possible for me to automatically delete all messages except the ones from the my address book or do I still have to block each one individually?


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Do you have the 'preview/message pane' open by any chance?  In case you don't know what I'm talking about, can you see a list of messages towards the top of your email client, but in the bottom section, you can read an email?  If so, you need to return to the normal view without this pane as dodgy emails will open this way.

Assuming that you either have Outlook, Outlook Express or Thunderbird,  go to 'view' on the top menu and uncheck the setting for either preview pane or message pane (depending upon your email client).

A friend had OE set up with preview pane, and came unstuck when 'it' automatically opened a dodgy email and her pc became infected with a rather stubborn virus.

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[quote user="Tay"]Do you have the 'preview/message pane' open by any chance?  In case you don't know what I'm talking about, can you see a list of messages towards the top of your email client, but in the bottom section, you can read an email?  If so, you need to return to the normal view without this pane as dodgy emails will open this way...


In Outlook you can use the preview pane to view mails without them being opened.  Go to the Tools menu and select Options, then select the Other tab and hit the Preview Pane button and un-check the "Mark messages as read in preview window" checkbox.


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Thanks to all who are trying to give me some advice but having looked at all the suggestions I am at risk of going into melt down.

I have Outlook Express 6 but then when the mail window opens it says at the top Inbox-Wanadoo-Utilisateur 1.  The senders details are in the top pane? and the message is in the lower pane.

When I look at View I don't see anywhere where it says I can check or uncheck the preview pane or message pane.

If I look at Tools and Options I don't have Other, but in Read the Automatically download message when viewing in the preview pane is ticked.  Plucking up courage I unchecked this but nothing seems to have happened.

I also don't seem to be able to tell if I am looking at the preview or normal.

Will, I haven't ignored your mailwasher advice but at this stage I would rather not add anything else as in my very limited experience Plug and Play means, start to add something then ring somebody for advice.

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-----Well he was either a naturist who lived in sunny climes or a non white person..........did you really need me to say it was BLACK!-----

    thanks for the warning. I think there is an attempt to draw you into a race argument here, I've a good idea that we all understand what you meant.

best regards------

There is no attempt at anything - race argument or otherwise. It is only a discussion on a forum. If someone says something I would like to respond to, it is simply a response. It takes more than one to have any sort of discussion and what I asked was, I thought, a reasonable question. And I got an answer. Maybe you have a good idea what was meant by "ethnic" in the post but to me it was very strange.

I found your post very strange. I realise you were trying to be helpful with your warning but your choice of words was bizarre. Maybe you didn't mean to be but I did find what you said (or didn't say) very racist and that was why i asked for clarification. Let me explain:

You wrote "2 young girls at each side of an ethnic mans erect willy!" As I said, I don't think you had any intention of being offensive but you attributed the man in the sentence as being ethnic . This really doesn't mean anything except that he has an ethnicity, like everyone else including you and I.  But, you omitted to give the girls the attribute of ethnic. Together, this suggests that the man is somehow "different" in a very negative way. i.e. he has different ethnic origins to "us" and "we" don't have ethnic origins (or ethnicity). What you really meant - from your reply above - was that the man was black and (by omission), the girls were white. I don't really understand why this was relevant to your email warning. If so why did you not mention how ethnic the girls were. If it was relevant, what was the problem with saying black or white.
I would be offended to be referred to as the ethnic person whatever my ethnic origins are as I am sure you would be.

I hope you don't feel offended by what I have said. It is written with good intentions


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Personally I disagree wholeheartedly with the point that the use of the word "ethnic" is automatically negative. For crying out loud, why are people looking for opportunities to point out perceived racism where none exist?? In this instance, and the subesquent post seems to prove the point, I think Dago's earlier observation was correct.
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Please remember the Code of Conduct, specifically :

 Users must not post messages which:

  • Are insulting, abusive, racist, sexist, or derogatory in any way to others, whether they are individuals or companies, users of the Forum or not. This includes material sent via personal e-mails through this forum.

Also : Comments or questions regarding the general administration of the forum should be made by "private message" or using the "Report" link to the moderators or direct to Forum Admin. Such comments or questions should not be posted in the open forum.

The rest of the Code of Conduct is here: http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/465569/ShowPost.aspx


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The word ethnic is of course not, in and of itself, negative.  However, why in this day and age, is it, or was it, necessary to describe the ethnic origin - in however veiled a way - of the chap in question in the first place?  It was not and is not, relevant, to a perfectly sensible warning against the dangers of opening spurious e-mails.  You may get connected to a p****graphic site.  That would have been enough.
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