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I know it isn't quite TV or telephone but i thought it may be a similar subject........is anybody aware of stories being read in french in the evenings on the radio. In the UK i used to enjoy listening to Radio 4 in the evening - when stories or small plays were read - is there anything similar in french?

Thanks as always for any useful replies   


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No-one else has come up with an example,  and in over 35 years of

listening to French radio (not continuously!) I can't remember ever

hearing a story read.   It's not going to be on commercial

radio,  so it might be worth buying a copy of Telerama magazine

(the only one that has useful radio listings) and trawling through

France-Culture's progs (I can't think it's going to be on Inter or


However much some of us might think BBC radio has deteriorated over the

years,  I would be the first to hail the BBC as better than most

other public service broadcasters.

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Or streaming radio via your computer (using either the computer speakers or connected to your home sound system)?  Most of the BBC stories and plays are available "on demand" as well as live.  Of course, they'll be in English.  If you're looking for French, you'll do better with books on tape or CD.


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If you do find any French radio station that features plays or books, do post it here - I'd be interested.  I have been unable to find anything of the sort on the open air radio (so much for the culture vulture reputation [:)]) so if it exists I guess it's going to be on the Internet

Someone mentioned the World Service - do they do French programming?  Is it on the Internet?

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Both the BBC vernacular French-for-Europe and German language services were dropped in the late 80's/early 90's;  the BBC are "told" who to broadcast to overseas by the Foreign Office (who fund Bush House) and it was apparently felt that no useful purpose was served by carrying on with these transmissions,  particularly when E Germany was incorporated into Germany itself..   French for Africa continues.

In these days when satellite BBC is easily available in France and Germany it's not so important,  but back then the loss was apparently keenly felt in some quarters.

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I've also found this site http://www.archivox.com/  which claims to have audio files of readings from french literature, poetry etc, but I can't acces it at the moment.

Or Radio France (culture) has serialised  readings at http://www.radiofrance.fr/chaines/france-culture/sites/fictions/emissions.php 

Or you could try RFI (Radio France Internationale) which seems to be a bit like the good old Beeb word service http://www.rfi.fr/

That should be enough to keep you busy for a while [:)]


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[quote user="Cat"]

I've also found this site http://www.archivox.com/  which claims to have audio files of readings from french literature, poetry etc, but I can't acces it at the moment.

Or Radio France (culture) has serialised  readings at http://www.radiofrance.fr/chaines/france-culture/sites/fictions/emissions.php 

Or you could try RFI (Radio France Internationale) which seems to be a bit like the good old Beeb word service http://www.rfi.fr/

That should be enough to keep you busy for a while [:)]

Thanks for posting those links.  I'd been looking for some readings in French.


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Many thanks for those listings. I will give them a try but as somebody has suggested, perhaps i could also purchase a couple of talking books, at least i could listen to them over and over again until i grasp a full understanding of french.

Thanks to all


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