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Internet and Phone by Sattelite - Fact or Fiction??????

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Despite promises by France Telecom Broadband or equivalent looks a long way off in our village in South West France. Also our basic phone line keeps breaking down so it's unreliable. Does anyone know if it is possible to have a fast sattelite connection that can be used to connect to the internet and for phone calls? if so what are the speeds like, costs and best providers. Am I asking for a miracle?

Thanks in anticipation of help and advice.






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My advice, keep pestering them. We were told that it needed at least 60 computer users in our little bit of france before they would organise broadband. In our hamlet there are three computers, and I own two of them. My neighbour and myself phoned them, wrote to them and visited the nearest FT store and eventually we got it. It just takes effort and a lot of fuss.

Good luck.

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A friend of ours in Cornwall had a two way satellite system before Broadband came along to his village - ie it worked for both downloading and uploading.   However this sort is relatively rare and pretty expensive.

There's another system that's been mentioned here (back in the autumn I think) where the satellite (Atlantic Bird 1 was it at 12 deg west) downloads to you but you use a conventional dial up for the upload side.   It turned out there was quite a low usage level before additional charges kicked in.

I don't know if anyone actually tried it...

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