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IGN Digital mapping - downloads

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I hope that there is some clever person out there who can help with this one!

I have used the digital IGN maps (Carto Exploreur 3) for some time now and they are great for planning routes on your PC at home and then downloading them into my GPS to do the actual walks. I have has occasional problems in loading the maps from CD's but the Bayo support people have always been able to solve the problems until now.

I have bought a new Dell PC and need to reload all my IGN maps (supplied by Bayo software) on it.

Although the main software installed OK and I installed 3 maps at 1:100000 and 1 (06 Sud - a recent purchase) at 1:25000, when I tried to instal my 4 older maps (Var Est and Ouest and Vaucluse Est and Ouest) from the CDs I received a warning message as follows.
   Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
    Runtime Error!
    Program E:GeoTools. exe
    Abnormal program termination.

I contacted Bayo who suggested removing Microsoft update KB917422 which I did but that did not solve the problem. They also suggested that the problem might have its roots in CD/DVD writing software such as Nero (which I use and is on my old machine with no problem) and Daemon. They asked me to use Task Manager to stop all processes possible to avoid an "emulated securom" problem, but having tried this too that has still not fixed the problem. I even uninstalled Nero to see if that helped but to no avail.

I have since sent more e mails to update Bayo with the lack of progress but they have not responded, maybe suggesting that they too are baffled. I have suggested that I buy another new digital map to see if that loads OK, but  I do not want to do that if I will not be able to load that either.

I do not understand why some maps instal but others do not. Perhaps the software on the old maps has some differences?

Living France Techies are my only hope now!!


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Actually this sounds like you have been out evolved!  If you are getting Microweak Visual C++ errors it may mean that the older maps were written with a version  of the program taht is no longer compatable with the new.  This is probably down to a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) as a first shot, go to microsoft.com and see if there are any patches (probably are) for V. C++

Personally, I think anyone using V. C++ should be taken out and shot, or at least shown what a proper programing language looks like, and to use it in a commercial piece of software is inexcusable - rant over, good luck

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Much obliged Pierre I will give that a try.

Any chance that you could translate what you have said into French and then I will pass it on to Bayo to see if it rings any bells with them!

I did have an inkling that the problem was with the software on the older maps but of course they are at present not admitting to that!



Andy Philpott

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If I remember correctly, this is a well documented problem on the GPS Passion site.  Maps from various releases are not compatible and installation is very much trial and error.  I have maps from two releases and it took me some time to load them all.  Again, iirc, I loaded the oldest first.  There is also a problem with Net++ which you may or may not have encountered.  (I am typing this from memory but will check my records tomorrow.)


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Thanks Brian - I have not heard of the GPS Passion site - can you provide details please?

Beats me why the map suppliers cannot sort out compatibility problems before they launch new software! This one certainly seems to have Bayo baffled. I checked the Microsoft site and the Runtime Error certainly seems to be recognised as affecting a number of different softwares (although Bayo is not mentioned) so I have sent Bayo details - which Microsoft helpfully translate into French - to see if that helps them.

What annoys me is that the maps loaded fine on my old PC which uses the same OS but not on the new Dell. I have asked Dell to look into it too, but hold out little hope of getting a sensible response; they tend to lose interest once they have your money!

I really did not want to hear that there are problems with Net++ I have enough on my plate with the existing problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fortunately I have not yet come across this problem and hopefully I will not, but knowing my luck with things technical ...............

I am tempted to order another new IGN digital map to see if that loads OK - it is only my 4 oldest maps which do not - but at £20 a throw I don't want to waste money if it does not work. I have asked Bayo if they think it might be OK. Incidentally, Bayo did suggest that the problem might be caused by DVD burning software of a Microsoft patch, but neither of these were the problem. They then sent me the very latest software (V3.13) but that actually made it worse as with that version I could not even open the programme at all - the Runtime Error message came up as soon as I tried to launch it so i could not then even see the maps I have loaded! I uninstalled it and reinstalled v 3.9 which at least restored the status quo.

I am off to the Var in an hour - cannot wait to get back there but not looking forward to the 800 mile flog down the autoroute I have to say. Foggy start here too to make matters worse.

I will log into the forum on my return and let you know what, if anything, has happened with Bayo.


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I had exactly the same problem and in the end they send me a new map disk but it still didn't work. n the end I loaded them all on another machine and it worked fine. I am lucky I had another machine but many others son't and we never got it to work on the original one. So if anyone gets a fix (that works) can you put it in this thread so I can try it.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Will do.

I am speaking with the technical people at Dell on Friday but doubt they will be much help if past experience is anything to go by!

Also Bayo have their development people on ths case. Clearly it will be an issue for them since Dell PC's are so common as if it is a software conflict with Dell then it will affect many people in time. Odd that some CD's have loaded OK though. Bayo sent me the latest software but with that loaded it made matters worse as I could not open the program at all then! Reloaded v 3.09 and all except the 4 Vaucluse and Var maps worked OK. I have it all loaded OK on my old PC but since I took that to France at Christmas and installed it there it is a long round trip to work on it!

At the end of the day there must be a reason why the software works on some PC's and not others even using the same OS so it has to be something installed by the PC manufacturer I guess.


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I started off with Languedoc Roussillon (Region Complete) and then bought Aude West and both worked fine. I then bought Aude East and that worked fine. I had to change CD back to the Aude West and it wouldn't work. After a few phone calls they thought it might be that the West CD  was older so they sent another. It still didn't work, it just never gets displayed unless I put the East in first change to the West but I can't download from it to my PDA, it works fine for the other two. Although the program is running the transfer bar comes up and just sticks there.

All my machines run Windows XP Pro. The machine I have the problem with is a Sony laptop. The one it works fine on is the Dell laptop.

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That sounds very complicated! I had no problem downloading a couple of Region Complet's and 3 x 1:25k, just the older 4. Now Dell techies are calling me on Friday to see if they can throw any light on this and I have just had an e from Bayo seeking further info on the spec of my Dell. If only they would talk to each other and just give me the solution wouldn't that be brilliant!! I guess that there is as much chance of that as of finding a truthful politician!

In the meantime I will continue to persevere and will let you know the outcome.

Incidentally, I do not tend to run the programs from the CD but download them to my PC as soon as I get them (when I can!!) although you have to leave the CD in when you first launch the program after downloading according to the instructions.


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Latest thrilling (!!!) instalment.

Dell called me from Bombay - very nice chap - and took control of my PC remotely. It still fascinates me that someone on the other  side of the world can move my cursor around. Spent half an hour trying different things which did not fix it and has now gone away to do some more research. We will make contact again next week to see what he has found out.

Nothing new from Bayo yet.

Watch this space.


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[quote user="Andyphilpott"]

 - and took control of my PC remotely. It still fascinates me that someone on the other  side of the world can move my cursor around.


It scares the devil out of me - this was benign and with consent  but hackers are trying the same thing ALL the time - If you install Zonealarm you can see the numbers of attempts - frightning!

Good luck with your maps Andy



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There is another series of IGN maps, "géorando" - Two departements on one DVD, main maps at 1:25000, 1cm =250M, downloadable to PDA. I have one of the Bayo maps, but was never sucessful getting my HP PDA working. This new one went well with no problems, the software is by Star Informatic, in what language I know not as I have had no error messages. Minor minus, the prog is locked to one set of equipment. Look on IGN www site.

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Thanks Mike - I will have a look at that if I get nowhere with the Carto3 maps. Having it available only on 1 PC is a disadvantage to me as i use it in the UK to plan routes and on my PC in France to upload and download from my Garmin GPS as the GPS can only hold a limited number of routes at a time.

I will also have to check to see if my existing routes are compatible with Georando software but I am ever hopeful!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Things have moved on so I thought I would keep you posted.

Dell were useless! They could not track down why there was a problem, but a friend has tried the Bayo software on an older Dell and it worked so there is clearly something loaded by Dell on the new PC which interferes with the Bayo software. I am faced with a surging wave of indifference from them.

Bayo are no better; they seem to have decided that fixing it is just too hard so the don't even have the courtesy to reply to my e mails at all now. And the e mails I sent were unfailingly polite!

I am now looking into Memory Map. They also have a franchise from IGN to supply digital maps in the same way as Bayo but using their own software to see and use the maps. Memory Map supply Ordnance Survey Digital maps in the UK (vastly better than the IGN maps)  and their software is excellent. Waiting for the first IGN digital map now and hopefully that will work -  I will let you know. Downside is that I will need to buy new IGN maps to use on the system leaving the old Bayo maps on my PC in France.

One word of warning though - Memory map say that their latest software (v5) is compatible with Microsoft Vista but they do not yet know about compatibility of older versions of their software. I believe that I Pods also have some compatibility problems with Vista according to the Times today. I have been advised by my techie friends to dealy loading Vista for a year until all the bugs are sorted out.

You might think that it should be easy to upgrade from old versions of Memory Map to v5. Wrong! It appears that under the licensing agreement with Ordnance Survey the old version maps will not work on v5 so new maps are required. There is a special offer to existing users but still an expensive exercise.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the final instalment in this less than thrilling saga. Not an ideal outcome but I thought I should let you know...

Just to complicate matters further my Dell died on me and had to go back to them for repairs - what a long drawn out process that was although once they finally got the PC they quickly fixed it.

Last night I loaded the Memory Map version of Burgundy and it worked perfectly. Clearly the incompatibility in software relates to something in Bayo's system but as they are unwilling or unable to resolve that it is goodbye Bayo and hello Memory Map in future. The Memory Map software is actually better in a number of ways although I wish they also had the 'library' facility to store routes and tracks as in the Bayo version. There are work arounds for that though.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I too had problems trying to load Carto maps and in the end I gave up and bought the Memory Map Premium set for the Pyrenees.  Got it for  £80 which I didnt think was bad.

I have used Memory Map for a few years now and really like it.

Im not sure what you mean when you say that you cant save anything.

All my downloaded (from the GPS) tracks, routes, waypoints etc always come up on the relevant maps when I start MM.

I saved some tracks from the Pyrenees last year and they have shown up straight away on the IGN maps.


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Hi Brian - I think that it was me being a bit dim!!

Of course you can save the routes in the Overlay files and even set up categories so I can do much the same as I did with Bayo maps although maybe in a slightly more convoluted way.

I prefer to hide all the routes on the maps to avoid cluttering them up but it is easy to restore them  and even do so in the various categories which you can set up.

The only oddity (and this applies mainly to the UK maps) is that sometimes despite clicking 'hide all' I am left with a few routes whereonly the way points show - i.e. not the lines joining the points - and no matter what I do I cannot get rid of them. Minor irritation only though.

This weekend I am off to get the Memory map DVD covering all of France at 1:100,000 and Provence at 1:25000 now I know for sure that the software works on my Dell.


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       Hi Andy

Glad to hear you have got everything working OK now.

I find the IGN maps more difficult to use on MM than the OS ones.

I think it is probably that they seem to be more 3D than OS and possibly in the mountains all the contours run together.

Certainly useful though,  I tend to print off just the bit I need and stick it an A4 transparent pocket.

Beats lugging a complete map around on a day walk (even though I still take them with me just in case)

Ive just inherited my old works laptop and loaded MM onto that so its even more use now that I can take the laptop with me to France rather than downloading everything onto the GPS before I go.



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Hi Brian - yes I agree with you re IGN v OS, but I don't think anyone comes up to the quality of OS maps - something we Brits can be proud of!

I do much the same as you for walks although I often walk in the mountains alone so for safety reasons I always carry a mobile and I have a Garmin GPS so I always know exactly where I am - then there is the map and compass in case the Garmin packs up, spare batteries, first aid kit, water, camera etc and before you know where you are you seem to be lugging a bigger pack than you intended!!

I plan routes on the mapping software in the UK and take them to France to download onto the GPS unit which I have found to be very useful. On my return I can compare the track walked with the planned route and make adjustments so each time it is that bit more accurate. I also try to write up guides to the walks so that others staying at my place can do the walks without the need for a GPS unit.

I took my old PC down to my place when I got the new Dell so that is great both for loading the maps into the GPS and for amending routes and creating new ones on the spot. I figured out how to transfer the IGN Bayo routes into the MM software - just saved them as GPX files which are compatible with both systems. You can also download them to your GPS unit and then export them from there into the MM software with no trouble.

Have you tried the Walking World website - www.walkingworld.co.uk - they have many good walks in the UK and a few now in France too and the subscription is not much.



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