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I've read that it's not a good idea to clutter up your computer with software from the Orange CD when getting connected. We are already connected with dial up (with another provider) but now wish to have ADSL with Orange. How can we connect without putting aforesaid unwanted software on our machine?



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[quote user="bixy"]I've read that it's not a good idea to clutter up your computer with software from the Orange CD when getting connected. We are already connected with dial up (with another provider) but now wish to have ADSL with Orange. How can we connect without putting aforesaid unwanted software on our machine?




The main change from dial-up to ADSL is that instead of the computer dial-up connection containing your userID and Password, the ADSL modem/Router itself has to contain that information instead. When you sign up for your Orange contract they should give you that info anyway and I think the Modem/Router will ask for your UserID and Password..

As BobT says you should then be able to connect without any other problems.

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Thank you so far, but can we go back a bit and assume I'm a novice at all this. So there I am with my modem plugged into the phone line and into the computer - not the same computer that has the dial up connection - so no internet connection on this new computer. What do I do next? Do I first have  to go to the FT shop, or phone, or sign up on the old machine or what? Help!


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What make/model of modem is it and have you installed any software that came with it?

If you have, check the Network connections in the control panel - it should have its own icon - on the general tab go to properties, tcp/ip, click properties.

The "obtain ip address automatically" and the "obtain DNS server address automatically" should be selected.

Next on your browser in the tools>options>network connections (depending on which browser you use),  make sure the "direct connection to the internet" is selected.

Clicking on the internet icon should therefore connect you - assuming the line is OK

You could of course install the Orange software and uninstall it later - you won't really notice any difference.


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Thanks Marc. I was thinking of getting a Netgear DG834G. Incidentally, my new computer has now arrived - UK Dell which we will ship over. I notice there is an Orange icon on the desktop - is that the place to start?


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Install the modem first, remembering to change the default password - netgear instructions are particularly good and show you how to check the connection and change settings.

See if your browser can find the internet without using orange.


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