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Anyone Else Had This Problem?

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We have broadband via Teleconnect and are very happy with it. Slight problem though. Every now and then the modem that they have supplied dies! The alarm light comes on and the DSL and VOIP lights both go out, leaving just the Power light and Alarm light illumination. Of course, when this happens we have no Internet connection or telephone connection via VOIP. To get the connection back we have to switch of the modem and then turn it back on a few minutes later.They have sent a replacement modem and all was well for a week but now the problems have started again.  Teleconnect have had the line checked and they say all is well so has anyone any ideas pse ??
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We have random disconnects with Free usually just for a minute or so but we don't normally have to disconnect or re-boot the Freebox, just very occasionally. Most people I've spoken to suffer disconnects some more than others - Wannadont/Orange for instance seems to suffer more than most, or used to!!

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This is a common problem with USB modems and is why many people use a router, and to be honest, it occasionally happens with a modem but much less frequently, I supply and use Netgear and Zoom modems and I finds that about once a month I have to switch my router off and back on again.



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Yep. Been there done that.  My problem was the result of an inadequate power supply for the router.  After a while of useage, the router and power supply got hot, voltage dropped, router cut out. Used to put the router/power supply out the window which helped some.  Got a decent NetGear one and problem went away completely, never had to turn it off again - ever - in more than a year of pretty heavy usage.  (had similar problems with modems when on dial up too)  Seems daft how some companies will skimp a little bit on a power supply and cause so much grief.  Ship lost for h'appeth of tar and all that
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Hi Tim. It's good to get advice from someone who runs a computer business, but your reply is a little confusing. You wrote:

This is a common problem with USB modems and is why many people use a


But one must have a modem to connect to the Net. A router is used to connect two or more computers to a single modem.

and to be honest, it occasionally happens with a modem but much

less frequently,

Can you be a little clearer here?

I supply and use Netgear and Zoom modems and I finds

that about once a month I have to switch my router off and back on


Are these USB modems or some other kind of modem? And why do you have to turn your router off?

Sorry if I'm being dumb! - JimJams

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Hi Jimjams

You are right and wrong: But one must have a modem to connect to the Net. A router is used to connect two or more computers to a single modem.

The type of router I am talking about is a combined router AND modem, e.g. the Netgear DM111P. Some router/modems have both ethernet (i.e. network ports) and a USB port.

Any ADSL connection will occasionally fail for a whole host of reasons. ADSL is delivered to you house by mixing 2 signals on the standard telephone line, the filter that you plug into the phone line actually splits the ADSL signal from the 'normal' telephone signal. Very high humidity, e.g. rain can cause some of the junctions boxes between the exchange and you house to fail temporarily, result - loss of ADSL. I have a customer in the UK who lives on a street with lots of trees, when there are very high winds, he loses his ADSL - BT finally cured his problem, after 3 years of complaints, by pruning one tree which was causing 2 wires to touch. I'm afraid that one has to accept that ADSL in normally 99.99999% reliable but very occasionally it can die for no apparent reason. I have seen my router/modem stay connect for over 4 months without a problem and then for a week, it wouldn't stay connected for more than an hour, then the problem disappeared and it has been connected for 7 weeks without a problem.

The reason for turning the modem/router off is to force the built in software to reset itse;f, like all computer programs, the software can occasionally crash. To explain a little more, a modem/router is actually an little computer and it needs software to tell it what to do, very occasionally the software crashes so turning it off resets everything.

Last but not least, you aren't being dumb - I should have made it clear that I meant a router/modem!!



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I too have the same problem with my Anglopak modem. However I seem to have a bizarre problem, in that having followed instructions to place filters on all telephones in the house the broadband will only work if I remove the filters. Albeit having done an online test I amtold that the connection is only working at 17% efficiency. Any ideas?
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Jazzer - As I understood it when we were setting up our Anglopack, the phone socket that the modem is connected to is the only one that shouldn't have a filter attached. All the others should.  Have you tried removing just this filter and leaving the rest. By the way - where online did you test your efficiency pse?.

Regarding our problem with the modem cutting in an out - we have been monitoring the temperature of the modem and also the electrical transformer thingy (?) that plugs the thing in and the temperature certainly gets very high at times. I don't think it is helped by where the box is placed  (in a corner next to the chimney from the  CH boiler)- soooo ... have now moved all connections and modem out into the air to see if that is any better!! 

If we have to resort to buying a  more robust modem which one should we go for?


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I wouldn't knock Wanadoo. My ADSL is attached to my Novel server and its been up and running continuously for 473 days now without an error or dropping the link (I mentioned the server because it monitors the ADSL box that’s how I know). I keep thinking of changing to a cheaper service but I keep reading all these problems people have with their supplier and it puts me off. Perhaps it's down to 'you pays your money etc'. I was looking at Teleconnect because it looked a good deal now it’s another one to take off the list.

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Just done the test that Jazzer mentioned and we are operating at 80% efficiency.  I am also happy to report that since moving the modem and giving it an air supply (!) the system has been very good with no breaks in connection. Keep your  fingers crossed for us!
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[quote user="Quillan"]

I wouldn't knock Wanadoo. My ADSL is attached to my Novel server and its been up and running continuously for 473 days now without an error or dropping the link ...[/quote]

My Wanadoo has also been functioning for many months without any problems. I could save literally a couple of € per month elsewhere but I know I' end up spending many hundreds times the saving on support calls to premium rate numbers (not necessary with Wanadoo at the moment). People do like to knock Wanadoo/Orange and, whilst they do have their faults (e.g. their software plus other faults) they also have some advantages.

I do find my connection is dropped by Wanadoo every 24 hours (to the second) - but the router detects this and immediately re-connects so I never have to do anything - it just seems like it keeps working (in fact I had to check it was still doing it before making this post).

People often seem keen on saving a few extra € per month on their ISP where in practice they could probably save loads more by a trivial change in lifestyle (maybe one less beer at the end of a days work occasionally, etc.)


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[quote user="Cassis"]Absolutely.  Go with Wanadoo and you'll never have a problem.

If you don't believe that check it out on any forum related to Wanadoo/Orange. [:D][/quote]

That is interesting. I don't look at the Wanadoo/Orange forums and I had always assumed they were pretty much the same as all the others - hence if you have something that works don't risk changing for the sake of a few € per month. However, if they more vocal customers (those active on their forums) think they are good as well then that must be quite a recommendation.


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Ahhh you lucky types that have a choice.  I am nearly 6Kms from an exchange with a line attenuation of 74 db [+o(]

The only Broadband (Broad - Ha!) is from France Telecom at a lightning fast 400Kbps. for nearly 30 euros per month  No other supplier will even look at it let alone soooper-doooper ADSL2+ 20mbps for 3 cents a fortnight, in me dreams........

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[quote user="Deimos"]

[quote user="Cassis"]Absolutely.  Go with Wanadoo and you'll never have a problem.

If you don't believe that check it out on any forum related to Wanadoo/Orange. [:D][/quote]

That is interesting. I don't look at the Wanadoo/Orange forums and I had always assumed they were pretty much the same as all the others - hence if you have something that works don't risk changing for the sake of a few € per month. However, if they more vocal customers (those active on their forums) think they are good as well then that must be quite a recommendation.



Ian, maybe I misunderstood but I am sure I detected a hint of sarcasm from Cassis...


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It's always a case of it works for some and not for others - I worked in the telecoms field in the UK for years and there was always a company popping up offering faster/cheaper this that and the other, and the number of times we would hear from customers who had been tempted away and then having nothing but problems. I tend to find that if it works then it's probably not worth changing for the sake of a couple of euros.

I have had Wanadoo dial up and now their 1 mega ADSL and it's been fine - and it's 24.90 a month. For the use I get from it I think it's not a bad deal. But, as always, I will keep an eye out just to see what other offers come up!!

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