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Club Internet Outgoing SMTP

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Well today I've got Club Internet ADSL up and running,  (and with only one problem on one of our three computers (running 2000 with a rather argumentative WiFi card)) and I'm very pleased with CI.   Have even been able to cancel the engineer's visit I had requested at the ordering stage.

One question that you experts might know the answer to - I need the outgoing SMTP details for CI so that I can continue sending emails (via Mozilla) using my existing accounts (such as Onetel in the UK).   Previously I had been able to use this method via dial up with free.fr by substituting the onetel smtp parameters with <smtp.free.fr> but when I use <mail.club-internet.fr> (which I gleaned from the Outlook Express parameters) the system times out and says it can't find this address.

Have I got the wrong details or am I doing something incredibly stupid?  (probably both)

And the VOIP calls are FAR better quality than I had feared after receiving one from Orange in the UK.... 


Danny & Jane maybe.......   please?



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Yes,  all much more painless than I had feared,  but then I'd

tried last December to sign up with Orange in the UK and had a lucky

escape when they loused up the order and cancelled the contract before

it had even started.   AND I ended up being credited with £88

TWICE by them (the second one a duplicate) and in spite of ringing on

their 0870 number and owning up to the dual credit they said they had

no way of taking it back.   But I digress.

Very pleased with CI so far although we've had to disconnect five times

this evening due to a local thunderstorm that appears to be circling

round us.  But it reconnects very quickly.    I've

still got a bit of a problem with the old computer (running W2000)

because the wifi drops out as soon as it starts up and has to be

manually reset,  but I'm gradually finding out how to do that

quicker and quicker.   The lap top on a dongle and the main

computer on ethernet are running fine.

But I'll pop straight back up with questions if they arise.

Thanks again.

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...and here I am popping up again!

I spoke too soon about everything working;  Club Internet itself is fine but I am having endless trouble keeping the Windows 2000 computer on the CI network.

The CI software (which I have now uninstalled) showed the network as present with a good signal when viewed via the detailed menu,  but the little icon at the bottom right stubbornly showed a yellow exclamation mark instead of the green vase symbol.   Apart from it suddenly working a couple of times (for no apparent reason) that was it.

I have much the same result using the D-Link Air Plus software that came with the wireless card;  the network seems to appear in the menus and can (seemingly) be connected to but when I actually try and access the internet using Interent Explorer or Mozilla it says page cannot be displayed or server cannot be resolved.

So I downloaded the latest D-Linke driver and re-installed.   Again,  network shows up fine.    And briefly - after fiddling with tools -> internet options -> connections in Interent Explorer I got on-line, very fast and efficiently.   But then it all stopped again when I went back to connections to see what I'd done right!    So the wireless card network settings must - I feel - be correct.   Have I got a problem in the LAN settings (which I don't understand) which tells Explorer there's no connection even though there is?   Should I delete all the dial ups (they come up occasionally when it says it can't display a page).   How do I force Thunderbird and IE to look at the wireless network as a priority?

Please help - like all control freaks I'm far more annoyed by one old computer playing up than pleased by two recent ones working like TGV's.   But that's my problem!

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Well blow me if after re-installing the CI software (which process claimed to have failed as it couldn't link up with the box) it's all burst back into life (using the CI software) - green vase on the task bar,  all accessing fine.

But I bet when I turn it off I lose it all again.

What on earth is going on?

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Gone again,  as I feared.    Back to a vase with an exclamation mark even though the detailed menus show connected to TECOM AH4222 ****** with WEP encryption 104 bits and recognising the Wi Fi adaptor correctly    Does the adaptor have a different MAC address to the CI box (mine have different ones?)
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Back on by closing the CI Wifi function and then restarting it.

Second attempt less successful,  just kept clicking on "mes adapteurs Wi fi" and "joindre  un reseau wifi" and eventually it is holding.

Think perhaps I'll get a Netgear dongle and see if that's more reliable.   Are they widely available in France?

I bet flutes are less frustrating than computers......

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Ah Martin,

I very rarely have a problem fixing flutes... but computers...

At least the CI box is working well  - that is the first step.

If the ethernet connection is fine and the wifi is ok on the other pc, I can only assume that the problem lies with the other pc and/or dongle.

Unless you have done so already, first you can try the functioning dongle on the W2000 pc (assuming it is compatible with w2000)

and after try the card or dongle which doesn't work on the pc which does. I am just trying to find out where the fault lies.

see this page for basic set up stuff and double check all the settings.

I normally use ethernet but sometimes I use a belkin dongle and every time I try it takes ages to get the settings right

keep me posted


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That's a good idea - now I've got ADSL I've got some hope of downloading the Netgear dongle drivers (the CD is in Devon) so I could try it out on the Windoze 2000 set up before going out and purchasing.

Now it's stabilised it's running very well at the moment on the D-Link,  I'm just hoping an overnight rest doesn't kill off the software completely.

I have a connection with a company that makes electronic church organs (hence my interest in your flutes in an indirect way) - and of course they have a nasty habit of crashing too!   (although they're getting a lot more reliable now).   They seemed to unerringly sense an impending wedding/funeral/induction......

Will play tomorrow with dongles and software - thanks for the thought

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