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idiot question......wanadoo messagerie

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Hi hope some one can help.  I am being plagued with emails sent from myself to myslef along with loads of other junk. Long story short, I have added my email the red list and I cannot find any way to undo the addition!!! I don't want to 'supprimer' in case it blocks them altogether, at the moment, it just puts me in the undesirable box! Any advice on how to fix the problem would be greatly appreciated, many thanks in advance


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I had a similar problem discussed recently here: http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/920085/ShowPost.aspx

After peaking at 1500 overnight, within 2 days the messages had dwindled down to a much more reasonable 30 or so a day...

I have found Google Mail (Gmail) fantastic for sorting out spam. I would suggest opening a Gmail account and redirect all your mail there. Their spam filter is very very good indeed.

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Hi Clair

Thanks for your prompt reply, I have had a look at the link, good information, but as yet, I am unable to remove my email address from the red liste in messagerie.  It seems if I send an email from another address ie hotmail accout, then it come through normal channels, but if i send one from my myself to myself, it puts it in the undesirable box!!!!!! could it be just emails from me to me are blocked??? or is that too simple!

Thanks again


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It would appear that part of the address has been put on a blacklist.

Which email program are you using (Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Wanadoo?)

When you say 'from myself to myself', are you using 'yourself@private domain name' or  'yourself@wanadoo' ?

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[quote user="jetlag"]

Hi Clair

Thanks for your prompt reply, I have had a look at the link, good information, but as yet, I am unable to remove my email address from the red liste in messagerie.  It seems if I send an email from another address ie hotmail accout, then it come through normal channels, but if i send one from my myself to myself, it puts it in the undesirable box!!!!!! could it be just emails from me to me are blocked??? or is that too simple!

Thanks again



First of all can I just say that I am a complete novice as far as how anything in the email business actually works.  However I have spent some considerable time attempting to stop dozens and sometimes even hundreds of idiot emails coming to me.

I think I use either Outlook Express or Wanadoo, whichever it is if you click on Tools, then hover on Message Rules, up will pop Blocked Senders List.  Perhaps you have placed yourself on this list, like I did.  I have hundreds on this list.  Apologies if this answer sounds as if it came from a simpleton, like I said I am no expert.


On a similar theme.  I now get quite a few emails telling me that I am sending out a lot of infected junk mail.  These emails invite me to contact the Wanadoo support team, which I never do.  These emails contain info about WORMS, which my AVG security thing intercepts.  I did take my hard drive to a local PC shop to ask advice about all of these (which I guess are security attacks) and his advice was that the AVG thing was working properly and not to worry unduly about it.  I did ask about changing my email address to which his advice was that it would only stop junk mail for a short time.  What do you experts on here think?




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[quote user="Weedon"]

   I did ask about changing my email address to which his advice was that it would only stop junk mail for a short time.  What do you experts on here think?


I am no expert but perhaps you could try Laposte for a free email address as it is usually pretty good and, in my experience, spam etc free. At the least it should give you a breathing space to get your other email account sorted out.


yellow box on the top LHS 'créer votre boîte'. I use it and have added it to my email programme so do not have to go to the Laposte site to use their email.



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