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I've lost my network places

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Until last week we had a perfectly functioning home network. PC plus printer for him, laptop for me, all completed with a router modem and WiFi. From the laptop I could print and access My Network Places. I can still get on the Internet, but whatever I try (Wizards and things as suggested in the archives) I can't communicate with Him Downstairs' PC and My Network Places is empty.

Now, my son has been here recently and downloaded some Norton add-ons onto the laptop, but not the PC. Is it possible that Norton is stopping us sharing? My next step is to try System Restore, but would that be safe in the hands of someone who is unsure of what they are doing? This is keeping me awake, believe it or not!

Angela (the one in 83)

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God save us from meddling kids.

It is very possible that the Norton add-ons have broken something. Depending on exactly what he's done a System Restore might fix the problem but it also might not.

I don't think you have anything to lose by trying it, besides which the process is supposedly fully reversible, I say supposedly because System Restore says it is but personally have never tried to reverse one.

Please don't lose sleep over it.

Make a new house rule, any unrequested or unauthorised installing of software will incur a severe birching and immediate repatriation from whence he came....!

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[quote user="ErnieY"]...a System Restore might fix the problem but it also might not... the process is supposedly fully reversible, I say supposedly because System Restore says it is but personally have never tried to reverse one.[/quote]

It is and I have!

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[quote user="Auxadrets"]

Until last week we had a perfectly functioning home network. PC plus printer for him, laptop for me, all completed with a router modem and WiFi. From the laptop I could print and access My Network Places. I can still get on the Internet, but whatever I try (Wizards and things as suggested in the archives) I can't communicate with Him Downstairs' PC and My Network Places is empty.

Now, my son has been here recently and downloaded some Norton add-ons onto the laptop, but not the PC. Is it possible that Norton is stopping us sharing? My next step is to try System Restore, but would that be safe in the hands of someone who is unsure of what they are doing? This is keeping me awake, believe it or not!

Angela (the one in 83)


It's quite possible that some of your Norton stuff is blocking access to your network.  You may just need to tweak the settings on your Norton stuff (would your son like to do this for you?).  System Restore may fix it for you, especially if there haven't been a lot of restore points created since the Norton downloads.  Sometimes, the older restore points can be a bit flakey. 

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Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! She's fixed it and feels ridiculously pleased with herself.

Thanks for your suggestions. The System restore suggestion (mine) didn't work. It was a Norton-related problem. Laptop no longer considered PC to be 'trusted'. I bravely tweaked my firewall settings and everything is now sharing and printing in harmony again.

Happy Angela (83)

PS My son (36) was just trying to help his old Mum and is back in Holland feeling very guilty. I'd better drop him a note.

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My eldest son is half the age of yours Auxadrets, and as such knows no fear around any technology.

I came home one day to find he had installed Ubuntu on MY machine coz 'It's so much better than Windoze' Well fair enough, it is but it wasn't even made dual boot so every Microweak application I had, had to be re-compiled with all the correct libraries.  On the third attempt I lost my rag and shouted at him to 'PUT THIS B***DY THING BACK AS YOU FOUND IT'  and he did bless him.  When I calmed down a bit I was quite impressed with what he had done though.  I just wish he'd only done it on his machine.

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