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bizarre Telekonnect/FT problem

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Can anybody give any suggestions as  to what is happening with my neighbour's communications? The symptoms we have isolated so far are:

1) With all equipment in the house disonnected, ringing their number on the FT line produces the engaged tone.  

2) In the house, we disconnected ALL their equipment and I plugged in a "known to be good" phone to what we think is the primary point - dead line, no dial tone. I've been unable to figure out what number to call to get FT to test it.

3) Plug in Teleconnect broadband router with Skype and filter

a) the SKYPE function works (so they can call out).

b) the router does not seem to be transmitting - 2 "known to be good" wireless laptops do not detect any wireless network,

c) plugged in via a cable, the router shows its ADSL light, but there is no internet connection.

Apart from anything else, how can Skype work if the internet doesn't????  I know little about Skype having never used it./

"Puzzled from Puymeras"



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Errr.. have they paid their 'phone bill?

No, sorry...

They have a line fault (or rather an exchange fault), and something else as well. The handling of the internet connection is seperate from the telelephone line and, as the internet is obviously working (Skype), then the fault is FT's. Report it (call 1013 from another FT 'phone).

The router problems are different. If the network present light is on the router, then it is reasonable to assume that the ADSL is working (see above). "Someone" has probably fiddled with a setting somewhere.....

The WiFi issue is another one.... Get it working in the order above and the rest will probably fall into place.


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I agree - it can get very confusing trying to sort out all these things together. Try to work through them one at a time and as the previous message says - have a go at the 'phone line first - not much else is going to work well until that issue is resolved.


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Thanks for the help, yes we have been trying to do it bit by bit in a logical order, but the first problem was to get in touch with FT's fault reporting - didn't appear to be anywhere in any of our phone books! Anyway the 1013 is now noted in big letters on the cover, and they have confirmed that there is a fault on the line and will come out tomorrow Thursday to look at it.  I susepct the wifi is a separate internal fault as suggested, we did a system restore on my friend's laptop and that now communicates happily wiht MY router while my laptop doesn't see any signal from his.




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Just to put the record straight, Teleconnect's VOIP is nothing at all to do with SKYPE, it is a built in function of their BB service so if the phone is plugged into their router and is working then it's hard to see how you have a line fault but let's see what FT have to say.  

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Sounds like a similar problem to what we had. Except FT refused to send anyone out and said there was nothing wrong with our line. We eventually discovered a short in the two wires between our junction box and the box were the cables come in. We simply swapped the grey and white wires over for blue and purple wires and have a perfect line again.

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