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AOL+Neuf+4 months?

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Finally got through to AOL to complain about my lousy connection and because the server says it cannot cope with my demand nearly permanently plus it takes 5 or 6 goes to log on each time taking 3 or 4 minutes...

They told me I should change to Orange for an ISP as AOL was/is being taken over by Neuf and would be unavailable soon. Is this true?

I live more than 8 kilometers from the exchange the test sites say I can get ADSL but I recently tried with Neuf and they said OK and sent me a box of tricks and two weeks later asked for it back saying ADSL was not possible.

OK I live in a forest kilometers from nowhere but surely I can get something better than a dial up that doesn't very often. Help?

Could Orange help - I cannot get through to them on the phone as they seem permanently engaged and if I do will they support Mac?
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At more than 8 Km from the exchange you won't get ADSL of any flavour.  It's just too far.  7 Km is the maximum and can well be much less due to the quality of the line - sorry but that's physics.

What type of machine you have is irrelevant to your web connection, you can use PC/MAC/Abacus - whatever.  And anyway, MACs now use the same Intel processer and motherboard chipsets as PC's so there is no difference at all - I know MAC users will get upset about that last point but it's true.

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[quote user="Dog"]They told me I should change to Orange for an ISP as AOL was/is being taken over by Neuf and would be unavailable soon. Is this true? [/quote]

This is true - AOL France has been bought by Neuf who are also in the process of buying Club Internet.

None of this will help your quest for adsl though... as Pierre said


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Thanks for your replies.

I finally contacted Orange who said I could not have ADSL at the moment. I explained that I was 8k from the exchange and he said that the exchange was being upgraded within a month or so and that I would then be able to have a 1 Gigabite service and he would phone me when it was available? I do not believe in fairies though he spoke like one.

Is he telling the truth - how - what?

PS When I asked if AOL had been bought by Neuf he said not that he knew and that he read the trade press daily???
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We were told next year.................3 years ago, finally got Neuf adsl (aol) in May, and I do not want to gloat but..........its fantastic..........bored with it now and find I spend my time replying and reading this forum. Mind you there are really great people here. Interesting and helpful. (that should do it)[6]
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[quote user="Dog"]I explained that I was 8k from the exchange and he said that the exchange was being upgraded within a month or so and that I would then be able to have a 1 Gigabite service[/quote]You're right not to believe in fairies, 8km is 8km and whatever they do to the exchange (short of moving it closer to you of course or putting in a new substation along the way) it will do nothing to improve your situation. Sorry.

Also note that it is physically impossible run 1gb over a copper telephone wire so even if such a speed were available at the exchange to give you that they would have to run a fibre optic cable from it direct to your door, is that likely, I think not !

Finally, and unless someone else knows otherwise, I'm not aware of anybody this side of S Korea and Japan offering anything like a 1gb service anyway. I think even in the teaming French metropolii it tops out at 24mb.

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