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Antivirus and Networking

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I have my old laptop connected to my OH's computer so that I access the internet through his computer.  He has Norton etc. on his computer.  Should I have the same on my laptop or am I protected by his since everything comes through his computer?

Thank you in advance.

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If you are using a network modem/router with a built in firewall, hten you should be fairly well covered there, but no, his Norton will not protect your computer. You should download your own anti virus ( I use AVG ) anti spyware etc. If you are using XP you may as well get Windows defender from the Microsoft site as well. These are all free. There are one or two other free things that can be useful as well, but these would be a good start.


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My daughter has Norton courtesy of an offer when she bought her lap top - the minute the trial offer ends she will either be on AVG or paying for her own connection !

We also use Zone Alarm and I suspect that many LF forum users use AVG / Zone Alarm and have done for a long time.....it free, it works........[:)]

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Tim, we wouldn't know about the modem - it is just the plug in type sent from Wanadoo.  The computer has Norton with firewall and everything else except parental control and we run regular scans and there is never a problem but the laptop has nothing - and never has for some time.  I have downloaded AVG and Windows Defender now onto the laptop so hopefully I will be ok. 

If there is something nasty lurking on my laptop could it get into the computer - we share files sometimes and have instant messaging for "talking to each".

Thank you Tim and A.L.Others for your responses so far.

P.S.  Now, before everyone else suggests we should talk properly instead of via computers - we do for 99.9999% of the time thank you. 

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If it's the small usb ADSL modem then I'm not sure that it's got a firewall. How are you connecting to your internet? Do you have a connection to your modem from both of your computers? If you don't have a firewall in the modem/router then I suggest that firstly you make sure that your Windows firewall is activated - it probably is or else you would have been pestered by security alerts. Then, as someone else on here has suggested, download the free Zonealarm firewall - I used this for several years with no problems.

If you download AVG Free anti-virus, then make sure you let it do a scan of your computer on set up as it seems that you've been using the internet with no protection - not a good idea. Also ensure that you enable the updates to start when you start the machine - the default is to perform updates at 2am.


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Yes, Tim, it is the small modem which came from Wanadoo(Orange) but hubby's computer has firewall and everything else on it which we pay Symantec a hefty fee for each year.  My laptop is not connected to anything except the computer via a cable.  The printer and scanner are used via the computer.  The only thing which goes into the laptop are music CD's and camera whatsit cards (sorry cannot remember the name of those little blighters)

I ran a scan on the laptop with AVG and it came up zero which was a relief.  I've put Zone Alarm on the laptop too and the computer came up with a couple of windows this morning asking permission for AVG.  That was odd since it's the laptop which has them on but I suppose as the computer is connecting to the internet it would be the first port of call for such alerts.  (I wish I understood how computers worked!!)  Hubby's not much better either...

Thank you Tim for all your help - your're a star. 

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It really depends on how you are actually connecting to the internet, if you are simply connecting to the other pc and then using the internet connection of that PC  you have been at shielded from any viruses as all the processing will have taken place on the other pc which has all it's security up to date. As you have now done a scan and found nothing this would seem to be the case as no unprotected computer will have survived that long without a single virus.  I'm presuming you have no means of connecting to the internet on your own pc otherwise why would you connect through your hubby's machine?

I think you've done a wise thing by getting the latest software you are now covered whatever is the case.


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That's exactly how it works.  I know it's a bit of a pain as hubby's PC has to be on and connected for me to be able to use my laptop.  It began because the laptop was old and hubby's computer was even older so he got to have a new computer - quelle surprise!!  People told us about WIFI's etc. but at the same time we saw how many problems people were having with them so we decided to keep it relatively simple and have cables and plugs.  To be honest, I've been using the new sparkly computer since hubby bought it and he was getting all pouty-lipped as he was relagated to the laptop, then one day he stamped his foot (from a safe distance) and said "off wench - it's mine!!" 

Perhaps when we are all grown up we will get a better system but in the meantime - and with the help of all you clever people - we will muddle along and hopefully not get into too much trouble.

Should be out playing in the sunshine really instead of staring at a screen..................

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I'm glad you you've managed to some protection going. I can understand your fears about wi-fi etc, but I think your system will be much more useful to you if you go for a separate router/modem. I started with the same little jobby from Wanadoo/Orange but I have now got a Netgear 834 wi-fi modem. You can connect up to four machines plus a wi-fi connection for your laptop (if it has one). It's extremely simple to set up and provides a hardware firewall - normally more effective than a software one - and it would mean that you don't have to have both machines on. They are not too expensive so it may be something to go for in the future.

Regards - Tim

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Whilst modern lap tops have built in wifi ability its unlikely (IMHO) that an old laptop will. If you need a wifi adaptor I personally recommend a "creative" pcmcia slot fitting adaptor. I am using one at the moment and have been for the last 2 years or more and its certainly more reliable than the usb version I tried, it doesn't tie up a usb port and, who uses pcmcia slots these days? Its even more reliable than the built in capability of my present (new) Toshiba satellite Pro machine.

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[quote user="Timco"]

I'm glad you you've managed to some protection going. I can understand your fears about wi-fi etc, but I think your system will be much more useful to you if you go for a separate router/modem. I started with the same little jobby from Wanadoo/Orange but I have now got a Netgear 834 wi-fi modem. You can connect up to four machines plus a wi-fi connection for your laptop (if it has one). It's extremely simple to set up and provides a hardware firewall - normally more effective than a software one - and it would mean that you don't have to have both machines on. They are not too expensive so it may be something to go for in the future.

Regards - Tim


I'll second the recommendation for the Netgear 834 modem/router.  It is nearly idiot-proof (I'm the idiot) and is much more stable than our previous Orange-supplied modem.  The hardware firewall is a great backup (although I'd recommend you install firewall and antivirus software on your laptop, too), but the best thing is that you do not have to install any additional software on your computers.  All the software resides happily on the router.

I have Netgear routers on 2 networks- one in France and one in US- and will be happy to help you with setup if needed.  As, I'm sure, would Tim.

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  • 1 month later...
The best way to avoid viruses etc is to dump internet explorer for Firefox. It's free.

You'll notice a huge drop in adware etc. I used to use adaware but find myself using it less and less since changing to Firefox - no point!

If you're behind the livebox you're double covered and if you then add a half decent antivirus/firewall you're sorted.

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[quote user="Bones"]The best way to avoid viruses etc is to dump internet explorer for Firefox. It's free.

You'll notice a huge drop in adware etc. I used to use adaware but find myself using it less and less since changing to Firefox - no point!

If you're behind the livebox you're double covered and if you then add a half decent antivirus/firewall you're sorted.


download Spybot and run it - you will find a load of malware despite Firefox and your Freebox.

i run Adaware and Spybot every week or two and Spybot always finds lots more malware.

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[quote user="Gemini_man"]i run Adaware and Spybot every week or two and Spybot always finds lots more malware.[/quote]Good advice but I don't know where you go to pick up malware on a bi-weekly basis (and I don't think I want to!).

Personally I have been known to frequent and download from shall we say, some non mainstream sites, (no not P.O.R.N or anything of that ilk- think WZ [;-)][;-)]) and apart from the odd advertising cookies I can say that it's extremely rare for Adaware or Spybot to find any malware on my systems [:D]

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[quote user="ErnieY"]... apart from the odd advertising cookies I can say that it's extremely rare for Adaware or Spybot to find any malware on my systems [:D] [/quote]

I use the same here with the same results.

I do run Ccleaner everyday to clear the cookies, temp files, history and indexes.

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