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Orange/Wanadoo antispam service

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When you get about 50 spams a day you sort of notice when suddenly they stop! Have I become so unpopular that even the spammers can't be bothered with me? Well a little research shows that suddenly my ISP, Orange has started to filter my mail and remove (very sucessfully) spam messages. I have not signed up for this service, that I know of, does anyone have any clues as to why this service is now being provided, hopefully for free?



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Reading your post I thought I would have a look at my orange mailbox, which I never use as I dislike the inherent spam so much, and can see that since 14 June spam messages have been put in a spam folder - and not by me- so something positive seems to be happening

About time too! Obviously it is something new and free as I am not aware of having signed up for anything.



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I had a message from Orange today to say that Anti-Spam is now free and included as part of my abonnement ADSL, thus saving me the princely sum of 18€ a year! 

I can't help thinking there's a link here. the amount of Spam increased dramatically when Wanadoo changed to Orange. Are they trying to show how well they've managed to cut it down?

Cynical... moi?


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All the ISP's are getting much better at handling spam and about time too, not surprising really when the current level of spam is around 75% of all email traffic on the web! 

From my experience the automated filters are quite accurate and you have the choice of marking something as spam of course , if they miss it, you just have to be sure not to mark something as spam by accident and forever block messages from a client or friend!


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Have just found the same, although I like the idea of the anti spam filter, it cannot always differentiate the difference between a Spammer and a genuine business enquiry.

Which is why I prefer Mailwasher.

To check, go into Messagerie, then click on undesirable messages, and delete from there, like me you may find e-mails for you that are not Spam.

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Well, it's early days, but we'll see how effective the Orange anti-spam service works out, but if it works as well as the one BTinternet have been running for many years they will be doing a good job.I've only had one 'genuine' e-mail go into the trash in getting on for ten years, and less than half a dozen spam e-mails get through in that time -  I think that's pretty good!
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As an additional comment to my earlier post I have to say that the Orange/Wanadoo Anti-Spam system does appear to work. The messages which it identifies as spam are put into an "indesirables" box, they are not deleted immediately, so you have the opportunity to check them and mark any erroneously stored ones as "not spam"; the system 'learns' with use.

My 'cynical' comment was with regard to the dramatic increase in spam, over 100 messages a day in my case, from the day that Orange became Wanadoo. It appears to have settled down to around 20 a day now.  


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You need to log in to your 'messagerie' (go to www.Orange.fr and log in using the username and password provided when you signed up) and you should see your message folders. The spam is moved into the "indesirables" folder. You can mark any or all of the spam messages for deleteion and that will move them into the "corbeille" (dustbin). They will be automatically deleted after a week (I think it's a week). I don't know why you can't just delete them from the indesirables folder. Anything you wish to keep should be moved to your inbox where it will be picked up by your mail program (eg Outlook).


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Brilliant sid, I've found the Spams and rescued half a dozen genuine messages (two of them from people in my address book!).  You seem to be able to select the messages by clicking the box on the left and marking them as non-spam, which action then automatically moves them back to your inbox.  And then delete the rest directly by clicking the box on the left at the top of each page and clicking "supprimer" - however, they don't then go to my dustbin, they just disappear! So you can't make any mistakes....

How can I stop the whole process and go back to allowing Norton to filter things, as I find this less cumbersome than logging into the wanadoo/orange site and manually going through the mail?

Chrissie (81)

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It's not so easy to stop the anti-spam, as far as I can see you can't de-activate it online. However you can change it so that the messages identified as spam are left in your Inbox (and not moved to the "indesirables" folder).  Go to "messagerie" and just below "mes preferences" you should see "Anti-spam [actif]". Click on this heading and the next window will give you the choice of where to receive your spam messages, in the inbox or in the indesirables (default).

By changing this the messages will come directly to your Outlook (or whatever you use) mailbox but they will be tagged with **SPAM in the subject line. You could if you wish set up an Outlook rule to move them to a separate folder on your pc so that they don't clutter your normal inbox.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Sid, I've now opted out as I found Orange continued to Spam some messages from friends etc.  I know you can create a "liste verte", but it is horrendously slow to add contacts one by one.  Despite copying our address book into the Orange contacts list there seems to be no system to transfer the same people en masse to the liste verte[:(], so I've given up and will let Norton do the job once more.

Chrissie (81)

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