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New to Vista - problems

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Just treated myself to a basic laptop for the French holiday cottage, and am trying to get to grips with it at home so I can put useful files and similar programs on it before I go.  But after two hours of tooth-grinding, I have not got anywhere...

This new laptop runs Vista.

It doesn't want to know about loading the drivers for my Voyager modem (which I use for my UK broadband service).  A quick trawl around the internet revealed that Vista might not be compatible with such modems.  Is this really true? 

I wanted to install Outlook Express, so I could move emails to and fro between this and my two other machines (running XP and W98).  The new Vista laptop seems to have some other email client (?Microsoft something).   I tried downloading OE from Tucows, but the description didn't specify Vista, which makes me wonder if it won't work either.   (The dowload ran, but then stopped and informed me that as I had a newer version of Internet Explorer it wouldn't install.  I wasn't trying to install IE, for heaven's sake!)  Is there some other way I can get hold of Outlook Express?

And incidentally, is there a way to see how fast one's internet connection is?  It used to be that if you hovered the mouse over the little "connected" icon in the taskbar at bottom of screen you were shown the speed.  This new machine doesn't show that - only the name of the connection...

Many thanks




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Good morning Angela

you were up late (or early)!

In Vista, Outlook Express has been replaced by Windows Mail see this page for some help on importing and exporting messages, address books etc

assuming you can get the computers taking to each other. You can do it by copying the relevant files to a CD for example if you can't network the PCs together.

It functions the same as if you were transferring files from Outlook express on one PC to another (just some different names)

see this microsoft page for general OE stuff

the modem may not be compatible with Vista - it depends on the model. Ask whoever supplied it or look on their website for info

hope that is of use



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I'm not familiar with this modem - is it connected to the computer via USB or ethernet? I would imagine it's USB because you're looking for a driver.  If a Vista driver is not available, it may be easier to buy an ethernet modem - they are much simpler to set up, and you can also connect several computers together.


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   I don't mean to go off topic from the original poster, and I hope they don't mind, but we very recently bought my son a basic'ish, I think, laptop/notebook (not sure if they are the same) and it also has Vista. His problem is that he can't play one of his PC games on it but he can on the desktop downstairs. Well, he can for about five minutes and then the games 'kills him off' for no apparent reason. He has not had problems playing other games he has. The disk is in very good condition ,other disks are not as good.

Any suggestions? He doesn't want to buy the same game again, thinking that a new one might solve his problem, just incase that one doesn't work. And it would happen to be his favourite too.

Thanks, Liz

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Looking at the BT support website the only Broadband Voyager modem/routers compatible with Vista are: Voyager -205 router, 210 router, 220v router, 2091 router and 2500v router.  They don't support earlier modems with patches for Vista.

I don't know which Voyager you are using.

No you can't use Outlook Express on Vista, the default email client is Microsoft Mail.  I don't know what you mean by moving emails to and fro between computers, if you use the same account on all machines which ever one you check the mail on will be the one which downloads your mail  from the mail server.  If you mean the ability to access your email on the new Laptop, just setup your mail account in Windows mail and it acts the same as Outlook Express.

To check you broadband connection speed try one of the 'testers' i.e. http://www.speedtest.net/  this will show your upload and download speeds.


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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]

you were up late (or early)!

In Vista, Outlook Express has been replaced by Windows Mail ...the modem may not be compatible with Vista - it depends on the model. Ask whoever supplied it or look on their website for info



Thanks so much everyone.  Especially Danny for the useful links!  (I was up *late*, rather than early!)
Windows Mail is on the new laptop, but I hadn't realised it was something similar to Outlook Express.  How dense of me!  Why don't they explain that right away? 

Tel, I have Voyager 105 modem, on USB, and it sounds from my ISP's site (and now for your BT info) as if it does not support Vista and one has to get a router.  Grrrr.  (Actually, in France I shall be on dialup at the house, and wire-less at my local cybercentre for broadband surfing, so maybe I can manage without a router for the time being.)
By "moving emails", I just meant that if I had collected them on the soon-to-be-French laptop, but wanted to take one or two important ones home with me to keep on my machine there, I could do so.  Or important ones from home, to which I might want to refer when away, to transfer in the opposite direction.  Usually I have just copied them , via a stick, from one machine to another.


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I had a similar issue - I just went into the e-mail options on Outlook on one PC, and Wndows Mail on the Vista laptop and selected 'leave message on server' option. This then leaves the message so that either machine can download them. I think there's a way to set the number of days they stay there, or if you get a lot, just go on to your service provider website inbox and delete them from there once downloaded.


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[quote user="EMH"]

   I don't mean to go off topic from the original poster, and I hope they don't mind, but we very recently bought my son a basic'ish, I think, laptop/notebook (not sure if they are the same) and it also has Vista. His problem is that he can't play one of his PC games on it but he can on the desktop downstairs. Well, he can for about five minutes and then the games 'kills him off' for no apparent reason. He has not had problems playing other games he has. The disk is in very good condition ,other disks are not as good.

Any suggestions? He doesn't want to buy the same game again, thinking that a new one might solve his problem, just incase that one doesn't work. And it would happen to be his favourite too.

Thanks, Liz


Backwards compatibility (ie the ability to run older stuff) is a big problem for Vista, many games will refuse point blank to run.  Buying a new version of the game will do no good at all.  The best thing to do is find a forum (much like this one!) specifically for the game.  If it is a mainstream game there is sure to be one and others will have had the same issues.  With luck, they may be ways to fix it or a patch that can be downloaded. 

Good luck

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