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Attention: fake mail (?) from Oranage / Wanadoo!

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This morning I received what I

believe to be a phishing mail, supposedly from Wanadoo / Orange.

I've reported it to Orange but have

not yet heard anything.

In the meantime, if you receive this mail, I suggest that you do not

click the link.

The mail reads:



Orange votre service clients

internet <noreply.internet@orange-ftgroup.com>

To: xxx@wanadoo.fr

Subject: suppression du prvement

automatique de votre carte bancaire



Le montant de votre facture Internet d'Orange est actuellement dtutomatiquement

chaque mois de votre carte bancaire.

Prochainement, le mode de paiement par prvement

automatique mensuel de votre carte bancaire va e


Aussi, pour continuer d'e prvnous

vous proposons d'opter pour le prvement

automatique sur votre compte bancaire.

Pour ce faire, cliquer simplement sur ce lien  : www.orange.fr.  

Merci de votre confiance.

Nayla Khawam

Directrice de la relation clients

Merci de ne pas rndre ࠣe

courrier ctronique. Pour nous

contacter cliquer ici



My email programme warns that the link is not the real "www.orange.fr" link, although the "ici" one seems to be. I might be being too cautious, but rather too cautious than an empty bank account!

Will post again if / when I hear something from Orange.

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Yes of course it's a Phishing scam.  Quite right to report it to Orange but I doubt you'll get anything but an automated reply.

To Piggyback on this, I heard about another scam on the radio this morning.  It's on the lines of 'You have won the lottery blah blah blah, send €€€€€ to **..** for expenses in releasing funds' 

A bit of a surprise as you've never bought a ticket? well never mind you've still won!! just send the money

Honestly, they must have taken a Stupid Pill.  I suppose there are enough greedy people out there still to be conned.

The difference with this one is that it originates in the UK! 

There was something about forwarding any such emails to a consumer association but I missed that bit whilst negotiating a roundabout.


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