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Not a TV or internet question but someone out there is bound to be able to help me - why won't my P.C. hidernate? As soon as it goes into hibernation it immediately resumes, whether I do it manually or set it for automatic. Before anyone asks - yes it is legal (well at least a legalized hookey copy)  XP Pro but I didn't instal it and I haven't yet got an installation disc. Any replies please try to keep it simple - us silver surfers don't all understand Dos, bootfiles etc.
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Please note: I am not a specialist

Check that hibernation is switched on: start>control panel>power options>hibernate ticked.

If this does not do the trick:
check the BIOS settings for Power Management systems (slightly more technical)

  1. you'll need to check on the PC manual how to access them (sometimes by pressing the Del key immediately on starting the PC, or another key or combination of keys)
  2. in the BIOS settings there should be a section called Power Management.
  3. the first option within Power Management usually is to enable or disable APM (Advanced Power Management) and ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface).
  4. Both should be enabled. On some PCs, ACPI is not available.
  5. Do not change anything else.
  6. Save and exit.
  7. Let the PC carry on with the Windows start.
There might be a background program running.

Not all PCs support hibernation.

Someone else with more technical knowledge is bound to provide other suggestions!

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At the risk of totally missing the point, I wonder why you would want to hibernate the pc anyway. I've been using computers for over 20 years and have never wanted to hibernate any one of them. Am I missing something?


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I too have been messing around with computers for many years and I regularly use hibernate on both my laptops, it simply saves time shutting down and rebooting and for a laptop not on mains power wasted time = wasted battery = shorter usable time.

Hibernate works for the OP but it immediately resumes so the question should be has it always done this or are you just now trying to use hibernate for the first time and getting this problem ?

I think we need the answer to this first before delving deeper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've now got back to my own post as the problem got worse and it all finally died, taking my internet connection with it. I legalized the 'hookey' copy of XP pro that had been installed by my local 'poota shop. In an attempt to run a 'repair' from a legal disc the two OS versions instantly attacked each other and came to a stalemate and the thing wouldn't start! Back to the shop to be re-formatted, partitioned and have the genuine OS installed et, voila! - sa marche. EXCEPT! - now it will hibernate (as stated by others it saves time re-booting but it also turns off the cooling fan which makes life quieter than in 'stand-by' mode) BUT now it won't shut down! It gets so far and just freezes and my only recourse is to turn off the power which is not ideal I guess. It won't do a restart either which all means that I'm not totally sure that upgrades and new programmes are being executed properly.

Sorry to go on but I really don't want to cart it off to the shop again - anyone got any ideas?

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Congratulations on your progress, attempting to install over a "hookey" version of XP is usually fraught and a clean install is always preferred.

Re the shutdown problem that's a toughie becuase there can be so many reasons for it.

Starting up in Safe mode and seeing if that shuts down properly can help to point towards drivers causing the problem.

Have a read here  http://www.aumha.org/win5/a/shtdwnxp.php  and here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308029  to see if it gives you any clues.


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  • 2 weeks later...

On a similar line. I have been using hibernate on our laptop, running XP Home, since Ernie posted how to do it. Great stuff, thanks! Our desktop PC is running XP Pro and I can't find the hibernate option in the Power Options or in the BIOS. There does not appear to be an option for APM although the ACPI option is there and looks OK. I have not changed anything in the BIOS.

Any ideas. Both OPs are totally legal and I do object to Microsaft keep on asking for confirmation when they have updates!!!

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Have you enabled hibernation as clair suggested

"Check that hibernation is switched on: start>control panel>power options>hibernate ticked."

if so, when you are presented with the shutdown screen, press shift to see if standby turns to hibernate as an option

Sorry if you know that already


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Check known issues with Motherboard and BIOS software. I have a fairly new ASUS MB and there is a known issue between it and the AMD chip I purchased. As you can tell from this post, there can be a miriad of possible problems that can cause the lack of hibernation. Search Google for "Hibernation" your MB and Processor, you may find your answer.

Bonne Chance

Nick & Nikki

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Sorry that I seem to have hijacked your thread Deauville. It seemed quite simple at the time?

Nick&Nikki what is the AMD processor and MB you have just got. Reason is that I have just upgraded our with an AMD Sempron 3200+ and a Asus M2V K8T890 mother board... Not the same by any chance [:D]? I will also check google now...

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