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Livebox dragging phone down

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I've just had a look at my neighbours PC with Livebox on Wanadoo because he has a problem whereby when his phone is plugged into the DSL filter it appears that the Livebox is dragging it down, i.e. weak or no dial tone or sometimes an engaged tone. As soon as you unplug the ADSL lead from the Livebox it comes back up OK. The Livebox is working in other respects.

He's changed nothing and I've tried 2 other filters all to no avail.

Anyone experienced this before ?

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Is this in the UK or France? Where are you getting the other filters to try?  Do you have a filter in each socket when you try the phone?  Have they had a storm recently, if so all the filters could be duff and will need changing, try new filters, should be free exchange from FT shop if in France.
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It's in France Ron and the other filters were spares from this, and at least 2 previous Liveboxes which succumbed to the dreaded lightning.

Having lost boxes to lightning (plus myriad other electrical gear) my neighbour is paranoid about unplugging everything at the slightest hint of a storm so I'm pretty sure this one hasn't been hit. 

Regarding capacitors on the line, I don't know if my neighbour has one of not, I'll check later. I do have one on mine and my system works perfectly. Not a Livebox BTW, but Tecom AH4021 as supplied by Teleconnect.

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