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Vanishing e-mails?

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Just receintly I have been receiving e-mails to Eudora on my laptop, but when I look they are not anywhere in Eudora? If I then go to my messagerie, which takes forever to open, I find them in my indesirables box. Not all the time though, sometimes they just vanish into the either?

Can anyone tell me how I switch off the Orange.fr spam filter, or at least get it to let e-mails through from people that I have been getting them from for ages!

Someone told me a short while back the Orange had been mucking about with the spam filter system, so I guess that they are now deciding what I want/don't want???[:@]

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You are correct - Orange do now have a spam filter - I've had one or two messages go in to the 'Indésirables' box by mistake but it is a learning thing - when you see a message there you should also see a box just above the message called ' ne pas traiter comme indésirable'  - click on this and this should then teach the programme that it's not spam for next time. It's worked for me anyway.


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Thankyou Tim, I stopped getting spam too but didn't realise that Orange had kept it.   I don't bother with their website usually, but your advice has allowed me to get some legit mail which they blocked and turn the thing off.

They did email to say they were providing free antispam, but I didn't realise it was optional.

With Thunderbird it goes into a junk folder anyway where it is much easier to check if you have a few addresses, so I don't see the point of it really.

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The real problem with Orange is that messages will get put into 'undesirables' before your own junk filter or anti-spam programmes like Mailwasher get a chance to deal with them. So it is essential that you regularly check via the Orange system.

It seems like yet another way of forcing customers to use Orange/Wanadoo's own software.

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I'm glad it's now a bit clearer - I've never had to use a spam filter as my original e-mail account with BT in England - which I still use - has had a very effective spam filter for some time now. If the Orange one turns out to be half as good they will be doing well.

I don't think it's anything to do with anybody forcing you to use their software - as jamesq says, you can turn it off - and anyway, it doesn't cost anything and it may save me from having to play around with spam filters for the first time in about fifteen years of being hooked up to the net.

Regards - Tim

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You're right, it is possible to turn Orange's spam filter off. It took a while to find it, but it's there. Before finding that I thought you could only 'educate' it to accept or reject mail from certain addresses, otherwise it seemed a bit arbitrary, to say the least. Just about every spam filter carries the risk of deleting valid messages - whether or not this is a major problem depends on your mail usage. I prefer (need in fact) to make my own decisions on what mail is valid and what is not rather than have Orange or AOL tell me what I can and cannot receive. That's why Mailwasher is good for me. It may mark some spam as valid, and occasionally mark legitimate messages for deletion, but it allows you to review all messages (even get a preview of their content) before they even leave the mail server - so you can avoid possible viruses or pornography. You can even retrieve deleted messages (though not their attachments).
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If it is still on the server you still have to look in case they make a mistake, so you can be shown the porn rubbish if they are crafty about the subject.   I wouldn't think there was a virus problem unless you were to open an attachment and your antivirus should scan the messages anyway.   If you have an av with hips it would stop a virus from executing even if you were to open an attachment by mistake containing a new virus that the av had missed, so I do not think downloading mail is dangerous.

Unless you answer yes to the hips query that is.

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Well, it's early days yet for Orange, but so far it's put one e-mail that was not spam into the spam box. It came from a friend in England who had just changed his e-mail address to one I did not recognise. I was able to 'view' the message in the 'indésirables' folder and therefore find out who it was from and mark it as not spam. Since then, other messages from that address have been delivered correctly - so it is a learning thing and so far, it would appear, quite good.

At least now, people like me who did not use a spam filter now have one, although I must say, I hardly get any spam to my Orange account anyway - I must have been very careful!!



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On the main page for Orange mail - the one where you select the folders (reçus, envoyés etc) - click on 'anti-spam plus' in the LH menu.

Then select the option to receive undesirable messages in your 'boite de réception' rather than your 'dossier indesirables'.

OK, it doesn't actually turn it off  - it still shows as being activated - but you receive all your messages in your inbox rather than just some.

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[quote user="Will"]

On the main page for Orange mail - the one where you select the folders (reçus, envoyés etc) - click on 'anti-spam plus' in the LH menu.

Then select the option to receive undesirable messages in your 'boite de réception' rather than your 'dossier indesirables'.

OK, it doesn't actually turn it off  - it still shows as being activated - but you receive all your messages in your inbox rather than just some.


Unless I misread/misunderstood the page, you also have the option (if you don't want all your spam dumped into your boite de reception) of being notified when something is put into your dossier indesirables.  I don't know exactly how that will work (I've never had any spam on my Wanadoo account), but we have something similar on our Earthlink accounts.  Get a message when we've gotten any "suspect mail" and it lists the mail so that we can decide whether to go to the Earthlink account & have the mail reclassified or not.

OT, but not entirely unrelated.  I recently got the "we want you to change your wanadoo account to an orange account letter".  Did I understand correctly that one of the options is to keep the wanadoo suffix and Orange will continue to download it into my inbox?

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[quote user="tenniswitch"]

OT, but not entirely unrelated.  I recently got the "we want you to change your wanadoo account to an orange account letter".  Did I understand correctly that one of the options is to keep the wanadoo suffix and Orange will continue to download it into my inbox?


Yes, I changed over to the Orange, but they do download a lot of junk you probably don't want such as an Orange browser and a messenger.   I uninstalled those without problems.   I do wish these ISPs would stick to providing internet access and not install other things that spy on you.

I still use my wanadoo email addresses and haven't bothered to set up any Orange ones.

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You should be able to activate your account by just using the details on the paperwork sent with the disc without having to use the disc. I also don't want all that 'stuff' on my machine, so I never use them. The only problem with doing it this way was when I was, for a short time, using a USB ADSL modem - even then, I think there's a way round that.


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