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To Livebox or not to Livebox

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This has probably been discussed a million times but as I'm in an internet cafe and running out of time, I can't check!

We've had the infamous Orange Livebox since our arrival two months ago. It has now packed up (we think) despite having a surge protector, being completely disconnected if it gets so much as cloudy, never mind stormy, and being totally disconnected every night. We were initially told it was an external line problem but now, apparently, it's the Livebox. We've now been without email or internet for over a week (and without the phone for the week before that...). I get the impression this may be a regular occurrence if we stick with Orange.

Has anyone broken their contract with Orange in less than the year minimum and, if so, what happened?

Has anyone got a service (preferably with English speaking help) for broadband they can positively recommend over months or years of experience?

The trouble with the English speaking phone/broadband operators I've talked to so far is that they operate over France Telecom lines so you keep the same telephone number (good!) but have to deal with the impenetrable FT English speaking helpline which, so far in my experience, is in English so long as you're talking about bills and in French via 3900, the moment it gets technical. My French is pretty good face to face and for most day to day phone conversations but I find the France Telecom technical helpline an absolute nightmare of incomprehension!



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Take the "dead" Livebox together with your original contract from Orange to a France Telecom shop and if it is genuinely dead they will give you another.

Very simple.............I did it myself a couple of weeks ago after a violent thunder storm when I disconnected everything except the Livebox. No questions asked.

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We had a livebox die within the frist 6 months of our contract. We phoned tech support and the guy didn't speak English, but said he would get someone to call us who could in a couple of days time. Turns out that someone who called back was him and he spoke perfect English (must have had to download it into hi memory or something). Anyway, he told us o take it into an FT hop and exchange it, which we did. 18 months later, we still have the same box, it runs fine although we did have some problems, but it turned out to be our line inside the house. Fixed that and not had a problem since. It's a good little router imo.

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[quote user="LyndaandRichard"]It's a good little router imo. [/quote]

I think so too; though I am aware that a few people have had problems with them. But even though I have the dreaded Inventel box so far it has behaved impeccably, even when it has had 3 laptops at a time - I wired and 2 wireless - going full-blast. This was whilst the grandchildren played a communal online game involving all 3 of them together in a forest quest - extraordinary.

I even like the Livebox's relatively low coverage area for wireless - suits me - I feel safer about that somehow.

Debseal IMHO I would suggest you get the Livebox exchanged; then give the new one a go. You should not have to switch your box off at night - ours is on 24/7 except when there is a storm overhead.

Check out your line via www.degrouptest.com that you have a good enough quality of line for what you are asking of it - not all lines are good enough. If after that you still suffer with poor performance then start searching for a line problem.


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I second the response suggesting that a NetGear router is the way to go - it's much more reliable than the Livebox and doesn't slap unwanted drossware all over your PC (umm, therefore, don't forget to uninstall all the Livebox crud off of your PC when installing the NetGear)

I've no idea what it is about the Livebox that is supposed to add value - I don't believe freee french TV is yet available and as for the telephone service, I reckon it's easier to get this functionality from other sources, such as Primus. YMMV.



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