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Orange internet & unlimited calls package

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Hi there

I've just been looking at the 'internet & calls' package with Orange. It appears that it will cost me only 29.90 per month + 7.00 for international calls. This seems a good deal to me as at the moment I'm paying 24.90 for orange internet only and between 20euros - 50 euros each month with Phonexpat! Apparently I will also get a 2nd telephone line via the live box ( Well I think so!).

My question is does anyone understand if both of the phone lines will work on this offer or is it just the calls via the livebox that are free?

It all seemed so straightforward but as my command of the language doesn't include 'small print' I don't want to sign up for a 12 months contract that isn't really what I had in mind.

I'd be grateful for your thoughts!




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It is most likely a better deal for you but it is not quite so straightforward and there are other cheaper offers of ADSL including VOIP calls( calls made through the phone attached to the modem.

It will cost you (for 1MB speed - faster, if available on your line, is a bit more expensive)

For 12 month contract:

29.99 euros per month plus,
3 euros per month rental of livebox (obligatory) ( six months rental free - at the moment)
7 euros per month for the unlimited VOIP calls to europe and North America and some other places and 30 minutes to mobiles in France
That makes 39.99 per month or 5 euros more per month if you want it without the 12 month contract.

You can use the phone plugged in to the modem at the same time as another phone plugged in to another socket but you will only want to make outgoing calls from the phone plugged into the modem( livebox - in the case of Orange)

You can get adsl and inclusive VOIP calls from Free, Alice, Neuf, Tele2 and others and their deals are a bit cheaper than Orange. Whoever you choose you will certainly save a fair bit on your phone calls. Apart from the very occasional call to mobiles, we have not paid for any call charges for over a year now.

I hope that clarifies things a bit for you.


EDIT>>>> Yes, it is just the VOIP calls via the modem that are free and unlimited. Other calls made with the phone straight in to the phone socket are charged as normal <<<<<EDIT

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That's right. And it's best to keep your existing FT line and phone for incoming calls so you don't have to give out a new number to everybody - there are options where you can do away with the separate phone line - and to use when the internet phone is not working or you have a power cut. Internet phones may be cheap and on the whole they are a great invention but they are not the world's highest quality or most reliable method of communication.

Yes, if you want the cheapest then you wouldn't go for the Orange one. But as far as I am concerned its big plus point is that everything is the responsibility of France Telecom, so when something goes wrong the internet provider cannot blame the phone line and vice versa, which is the cause of so many problems, and of delays in getting the problems fixed. I'd say if you need the phone and internet for anything important, like a business, then Orange is probably a good choice. Though not for cheapskates.


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Thanks very much for your responses.

I have thought about cheaper options but Will has made a valid point about sticking with Orange/FT in case of any problems with the phone lines. I'm hoping to start a small business within the next 6 months so I'd prefer to pay out a few more euros each month for peace of mind.

Just one more (probably daft) question, can I still use a cordless phone ?

Thanks again




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Yes, probably... if it is a modern dect type phone, it should be OK. We have  a cordless unit plugged in to the modem and two other linked cordless phones, so we can use the VOIP calls in different rooms. If someone dials your normal FT number, all phones should ring whether plugged into the modem or other sockets. If someone dials your new VOIP number, only the phone connected to the modem will ring. We have an old fax/phone plugged into the other FT phone socket here which is useful if we need to fax (It doesn't work over VOIP) or as a back up normal phone if the adsl or modem stops working for any reason.


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