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Livebox Telephone Illimite

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I have my Livebox set up and Internet access is fine. I have subscribed to 'Telephone Illimite' and have received my confirmation email that the line is 'disponible'. However the light on the Livebox next to the telephone symbol is not alight which, according to the leaflet sent, means that the telephone illimite is not 'disponible'.

Anyone know whether I have a problem or is it just something that takes a while? I only installed Livebox yesterday and only received the email today so I may be jumping the gun. I dont want to be caught out by telephone bills that I wasnt expecting!

I am pretty sure I have wired up properly with the modem line (cable gris ADSL) from the filter to the Livebox and the phone plugged into the converitisseur blanc and then into the Livebox. I can ring the number they gave me and it rings but I assume that if I picked up it would be as per ligne fixe price.

Any advice greatly received. If it wasnt for this forum I wouldnt have got this far I dont think!




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I do believe that the line takes a while to be activated, I seemed to remeber something of that nature in the papaerwork that came when I installed mine.  Anyway from time to time the light does go out and you need to login to the livebox and click on activate next to the telephone services, this takes you to the orange website where you can confirm your login etc and low and behold the light comes on, not sure why this happens but it seems to work and if you ring the orange helpline they ALWAYS get you to do this first whatever the problem!

To login to the livebox navigate to login to the box, login -  admin, password - admin (unless you changed it)  you will see the services, click on modifier (or modify if you changed the language to english) next to telephone, then activate.


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Have you tried using another phone to make a normal landline call and checking if you still have a dial tone ( which is not the same as a normal french dialtone) on the phone which is plugged into the livebox ?

Have you had an Email on your Wanadoo mail box quoting a new French 08 or 09 number for the Livebox 'phone. There was a delay of a few hours before ours activated. ?

Have you a friend who has number display enabled who you could call to check if it is the new number ?

Or can you phone your own mobile to check the number ?

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Thanks for reply. Logged onto the IP address and chose the Phone by ADSL box, clicked on modifier as you suggested. It took me to a screen showing all my settings. The line was 'disactive' but couldnt change it.

The only box that said inactif that I could change was 'secret permanent' but dont know what that is so left it.

Although I couldnt activate the line I now know what the admin log on does so that will be helpfull.


Yes I have received an email with my 09 number. As it was only this morning perhaps I ought to wait a bit longer eh?


It isnt a case of 're-booting' the Livebox is it, it hasnt been off since I installed yeterday but Ithought you were supposed to leave it on. However when going back to England or during a storm it will have to go off. Is it then just a question of switching on, no parameter changes or anything?


Thanks again - will try the ringing numbers and checking tones as well. The only other phone I have is a mobile and the battery has just died on me wouldnt you know it!


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Hi Puzzled - My telephone icon doesnt even blink. If I get a positive answer (from somewhere) I will pass it on to you. My set up is so simple I am sure I have it set up right. It can only be that they havent activated it yet I think.

When people have tried to ring they get a message from the French operator saying that the line is not activated. I can use the fixed line no problem (at a price!).

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I only have 1 telephone socket and that has a filter on it. My phone is an Alcatel (base and combine), I have the base connected to the livebox and the combine is just plugged into the electric socket. There is no phone connection for that as it is just a second handset.


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When I moved up to broadband (or whatever they call it) I was told that it would take a week for my modem to be opeational and that I would know because both lights would be on constantly. In fact this happened in 4 days. Mind you, mine is not a livebox, just a Sagem usb modem. Hope this makes you feel a bit better.
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[quote user="Anton Redman"]Ours definitely worked within a few hours of set up. I checked this afternoon by ringing out normal landline. Have you got ADSL filters on all the telephones in the house ?[/quote]

However thinking about it we were in the UK for ten days between FT sending the Livebox and me starting to set it up. In that time they had deactivated our old dial up access.

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To reassure that it's got nothing to do with the phone or the way it's plugged in, filters etc., I've unplugged my phone from the livebox and if you have no phone plugged at all the little phone light on the livebox  is still  permanently on to show the line is active so don't waste time trying different phone options. 

Interestingly enough my neighbour came around to ask if my livebox was working as he has been told by FT that the phone service is down and will be for a few DAYS, I nearly passed out as I work from home but mine is fine, it did go off for a couple of hours on Tuesday but when I called FT they said that it would be down for a couple of hours and it was.  It seems they are fiddling somewhere along the line, my neighbour is french so there was no misunderstanding what he was told, perhaps that is the problem for you too.


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Thanks Panda. You hit the nail on the head as I had my phone on the FT fixe line and yet all of a sudden the phone symbol on the Livebox came on and stayed on so I am now working OK. I was just impatient I'm afraid.

Thanks again to all for contributing.

I dont know what I would do without this forum.

Anyone know a good electrician, where I can get wood, a plasterer, a cheap furniture store etc etc......only kiddin!

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Spoke too soon. Made one call on Thursday night, unlimited phone light was still on first thing Friday then went out and has been out ever since. At least it worked once so I know it is set up correctly but does everyone have this problem? Is it that unreliable or am I over-reacting after a couple of days????
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I've had Livebox for about 2 weeks now, the green lights flash all day, until about 8.00ish in the evening, and hey, a red light appears until about 8.00ish in the morning.  I had the engineer out, and he says I have too many trees in my garden, which are obstructing the line. )Why just at night I can't understand), but because my French isn't that good I couldn't go into too much detail with the engineer.  However,  I don't really mind though, cos at least I get get it for most of the day!
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