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Dell Computer Battery Recall

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Just for information.

As my Dell laptop battery has died a death (after 18 months) I logged to the Dell UK site, and noticed a section on battery recall.   It seems there is a chance (very slight I am sure !!)  that some of their batteries installed in laptops between certain dates might catch fire.

Anyway I followed the instructions and after running the details of my battery through the form, it seems mine is one such.   To be honest, I think mine has died a natural death, but the upshot is that I am now going to be provided with a free replacement, and being of a natural tight-wad disposition, this has made my day.

Might be worth checking a. if you are worried, and b. if you are needing to buy a new battery in near future.

Hope this hasn't been posted before, I did search, but couldn't find.   If it has apologies!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes it is, it is Sony made batteries they are recalling.

I have received email to say my new battery has been despatched though, so rather selfishly it has been somewhat advantageous for me, as I never knew there was anything wrong with the other one anyway (before it died).

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