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Outlook Express problem

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Can anyone help with a problem that I have with Outlook Express please?

Our neighbour, French, had a problem with her OE. It would not send or receive messages. I have created a new account for her and have now got it to receive messages, but it comes up with an error message when trying to send.

I have recreated the same problem with my laptop and below is a screen print of the error. The pop and smpt addresses are the same as for my Eudora mail prog and that is operating OK. As a matter of interest I can't get my OE to send either, hence the question??


Any ideas please. It's not made any easier with a French programme and an 'azerty' clavier?[8-)]

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[quote user="tenniswitch"]So, inquiring minds want to know.  Was your neighbor also trying to use "SMPT"?  And, if not, did you change the SMTP port to 587?  Did that fix things?[/quote]

The answer to that TW is yes because some silly pillOck, me, had done the new account! But I will get back in there and correct it??? No to changing ports. You know the old saying, 'any port in a storm [8-)][:-))]??

Disleksia lures KO!!!

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Hi Clair, I don't think that it's any of those? I have no idea as to how it started and it is difficult because our neighbour has no English and is not 'good' with PCs anyway. All was well and all of a sudden all was not well. I think that their account was corrupted somehow and when I get back there to check the SMTP?PT?AB?XZ or what ever the h e l l  it is I will find out. But as to the original fault, well PCs are about as user friendly as a cornered rat!

Please give me a mainframe to work on!!!

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For some bizzare reason, JJ, my OE suddenly stopped sending e-mails about 3 weeks ago.  After a few hours it miraculously righted itself.  Then yesterday it happened again, and I can send nothing. Which ISP are they with (Alice for me) - don't know if it could be their problem?
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I'm not using OE any more (changed to Outlook the better to coordinate with my calendar and because of some quirks in my AV software), but I am also a client of Orange and I have been getting similar error messages for several weeks now. 

We use Outlook for 6 email accounts (1 Wanadoo, 1 gmail, and 4 from our US ISP) and the errors occur only with SMTP and seem to be fairly random- never more than 2 at a time.  If anything, the Wanadoo address is the one most often affected.

The first couple of times, I dutifully deleted the old account and entered a new one (it didn't help), and then I noticed that the problem would resolve w/o any changes made by me after a few minutes (or hours).  So now I just hit the "cancel" button & try again later.  It's annoying, but, fortunately hasn't caused us any serious problems.  Some days are worse than others.  I think that the problem lies with Orange and, therefore, could take a long time to sort out. 

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