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I'm thinking of setting up my shed next to my house as an office.

What I want to do is to run another phone line into it from the phone line incoming box in my house through to my proposed office.

As I need the internet, I was considering buying another livebox and conecting this to the second phone line so I can have net access in the house or shed.

Anyone know if this is possible to do?

Or am I crazy for even contemplating having TWO liveboxes!!!! ;)

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[quote user="LyndaandRichard"]

Or am I crazy for even contemplating having TWO liveboxes!!!! ;)

Yep, you're crazy.  Unnecessary and you will have all sorts of contention issues.

The 3 options you have are, as suggested above use a Wi Fi link, use a bluetooth (class 2) dongle in your main pc and secondary or just run a Cat 5 network cable from a spare socket on the router to your shed.  You could easily get 50 metres or more with any of these options and have a nice little Home Network. You may like to have a look here    http://www.d-a-l.com/articles/library/102.html


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Thanks for the suggestions.

I currently have my pc hardwired in and two laptops working wirelessly with the livebox. The signal is not great enough to reach the shed (we have half metre thick walls plus the livebox in on the ground floor and the shed is upper floor level (our house is built into a hill)). I couldn't even put the livebox on the top floor which would be the mid point as the signal is still very weak.

We'd need both laptops to have access up in the shed (as well as downstairs when we're dossing in front of the tv), so perhaps a stronger router might be the way to go.

Or I could just take the livebox in the shed when I'm in there.

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If I understand you correctly you propose extending the pair which comes into your house down the the office and connecting another Livebox to it effectively in parallel to another. Forget it, it simply won't work. You could take the box with you when needed but you'll very soon get fed up with the pularva.

Have you thought about using something like THIS , simple and guaranteed to do the job and likely cheaper than a second livebox.,


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You cannot run 2 liveboxes off one incoming phone line at the same time! The only way you could do it is to always have one live box switched off which probably partially defeats the object.

The Maplin mains network suggestion will only work if you either have a single phase electricity supply to the house or, if you have a 3 phase supply, the socket you connect to in the house and in the shed are on the same phase - and it isn't easy to check!

I would suggest that a cat5 network cable is the simplest way to connect the shed and house if you can run the cable easily. There is a limit of 100 metres to the length of a cat5 cable.



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Have had the same problem with thick walls and two children and a wife  all wanting access in different places.  I use a second Neuf box connected with some cat 5 to the first one.  The second one is high up so only the roof tiles affect the signal.  Even so I had to get a directional ariel and attached it to the outside wall of my wife's workshop which is 20 meters away in the garden.  Have managed to have all 4 computers connected (mine to the Neuf box direct and the other three on wireless).  Did have the plug in the wall system which worked fine in the house (all on the same phase).  However, they started to make the Neuf box stall.

The only thing that drives me mad with WiFi is that one computer runs fine for a while then drops the connection to the internet, even though the signal strength is excellent.  Sometimes it reconnects and other not.  There are no electrical devices near the Neuf box.  We do have three wireless phones, none of which are near the box but I understand that they do frequency hop around the 2.4ghz band which is thought to cause problems.  Anyone a magic solution?  (have tried allocation individual IPs or allowing the system to allocate)



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