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Help! Can't send e-mails

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For some bizarre reason, suddenly this morning I can receive, but not send e-mails in Outlook Express.  I have done all the obvious things in the "Account properties" and nothing seems to work.  Any ideas? O/h and I are stumped!

"An unknown error has occurred. Subject '*****', Account: 'pop.aliceadsl.fr', Server: 'smtp.aliceadsl.fr', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '554 Message refused', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC6F"

Subject removed for privacy reasons, but the above is the message I get!

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

For some bizarre reason, suddenly this morning I can receive, but not send e-mails in Outlook Express.  I have done all the obvious things in the "Account properties" and nothing seems to work.  Any ideas? O/h and I are stumped!

"An unknown error has occurred. Subject '*****', Account: 'pop.aliceadsl.fr', Server: 'smtp.aliceadsl.fr', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '554 Message refused', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC6F"

Subject removed for privacy reasons, but the above is the message I get!


Does Alice allow you to send via ports other than 25?  A lot of ISPs block port 25.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]Thanks for the suggestions, I'll have a go.  How would I know, or change the port, tenniswatch?[/quote]

Changing is easy, knowing, not so.  You'd have to go to the Alice website & search through their support info to find out what, if any, other ports they'll let you use to send mail.  (A lot of  ISPs let you use port 587.)

Then, in Outlook you go to Tools/Email Accounts/View or change existing accounts & choose the Alice account, click the "Change" button, then the "More Settings" button, choose the "Advanced" tab and change the "Outgoing Server (SMTP)" setting from 25 to whatever Alice gave you as an alternative.

You might also need to check the "This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)" box.  If the Alice website doesn't say so, try without first, then with.

If none of this helps, and it's not just a case of the Alice servers being down (not likely if you're still receiving mail), post again & we'll see if there's something else you need to tweak.

For example, my Orange (actually Wanadoo) email account will not work if I configure the settings exactly as they direct on their website.  There's one little setting that I have to do that's different from their instructions in order to send messages.  Go figure!

Afterthought:  Did you google the error number to see if there was any more helpful info available?

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[quote user="cooperlola"]And guess what, just as I was in the midst of trying to sort this, it starting working again.[:-))]  Bloomin' computers! Thanks for the info' all and t/w in particular.  I'll file that away for future reference.  Much appreciated.[/quote]

Bloomin' computers, indeed!  And bloomin' servers and ISPs!  One of 4 email accounts (all from the same provider) would not send emails this morning.  Kept getting error messages of the "can't connect to server/server rejects password" persuasion.  A couple of hours later, everything was fine.  I was very glad I hadn't wasted any time trying to solve the problem (which, obviously, wasn't on my end).


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  • 2 months later...

[quote user="5-element"]Perhaps an epidemic called "Christmas parties"?[:P][/quote]Well, almost, as it turns out!  Actually Christmas cards.  I looked back at this thread and took tenniswatch's suggestion and googled the error number (which was the same as on the previous occasion that this happened.)  It turns out to be an anti virus problem.  There was an electronic Christmas card which I was trying to send to FHI as it was addressed to them via me.  I knocked it out of my Outbox into another file and whammo - everything which had been collecting in there for the last two days suddenly got sent.

At least I know what the problem is now, although the others still haven't got their Christmas card....

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

[quote user="5-element"]Perhaps an epidemic called "Christmas parties"?[:P][/quote]Well, almost, as it turns out!  Actually Christmas cards.  I looked back at this thread and took tenniswatch's suggestion and googled the error number (which was the same as on the previous occasion that this happened.)  It turns out to be an anti virus problem.  There was an electronic Christmas card which I was trying to send to FHI as it was addressed to them via me.  I knocked it out of my Outbox into another file and whammo - everything which had been collecting in there for the last two days suddenly got sent.

At least I know what the problem is now, although the others still haven't got their Christmas card....


Very interesting.  I received Christmas greetings (not a card, but with photo attachments) addressed to my wanadoo account today.  Wanted to forward it to the DH, but could not do it through my US ISP until I changed the sending address (mine) to my Gmail account.   I haven't tried to send anything else from my wanadoo address lately;  I'll give it a day or two and try again before changing any settings.  I do wish that wanadoo/orange would learn to play nicely with the rest of the world.

Merry Christmas, all.


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[quote user="cooperlola"]

[quote user="5-element"]Perhaps an epidemic called "Christmas parties"?[:P][/quote]Well, almost, as it turns out!  Actually Christmas cards.  I looked back at this thread and took tenniswatch's suggestion and googled the error number (which was the same as on the previous occasion that this happened.)  It turns out to be an anti virus problem.  There was an electronic Christmas card which I was trying to send to FHI as it was addressed to them via me.  I knocked it out of my Outbox into another file and whammo - everything which had been collecting in there for the last two days suddenly got sent.

At least I know what the problem is now, although the others still haven't got their Christmas card....


I still can't send, and haven't got your excuse; there's nothing sitting in my outbox.  I haven't changed my account from wanadoo to orange.  Do you suppose that's causing my problem?

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[quote user="5-element"]I am having the same problems, but only with two email correspondents. I wonder if perhaps it is not their email box which is full, although strangely, it looks like the problem is from my end. No idea what's going on.[geek][/quote]

I even tried to send one to my gmail inbox (which I know isnt full), but no go.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

If you can't send via a web based email system like Gmail it suggests to me that there is a problem at your ISP.

Try signing up for a free Yahoo A/C and see it that works.


I guess I didn't explain very well. 

I have no trouble sending/receiving mail from/to my gmail accounts, or my US ISP's email accounts via Outlook.  I have no trouble receiving emails to my wanadoo account via Outlook, but I can't send any mail from my wanadoo account via Outlook. 

As a test, I tried to send an email via Outlook to my gmail account from my wanadoo account, but got the same error message that I'd gotten trying to reply to messages sent to that wanadoo account:

Sending reported error 0x800CCC0D. "Unable to find the e-mail server.  Please verify the server information in your e-mail properties."

(Need I mention that they are the same settings I've been using for months?)

Oh, and actually I do have a free Yahoo account, but mail to/from those accounts can't be accessed through Outlook or OE.

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