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DVD+RW blank discs

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Can anyone help with a problem related to blank DVD discs? In particular DVD+RW.

Currently I cannot find a DVD+RW blank disc on sale with more than 4.7 gb or 120 minutes, I have bought a pack of 10. They seem to make it useless to record an average film from the TV with a new state of the art DVD recorder. Their usual length is around 170 minutes. More if you include the ads. I just miss the endings. I might well have missed something myself but it's driving me slight mad at the mo.[:'(]

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You can get some double sided ones that virtually double capacity but I think only in -RW format not +RW format.  Not all shops stock them, I've only ever seen a limited selection and they were expensive.  Plus, not all DVD recorders support them (the double sided bit).  As CJL says, you can normally change the record "speed" and going down a little will give you enough for a feature film with no real noticale loss of quality (at least I don't notice it).

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Yes, CJLAWS  is correct, unless you've got a machine I've not heard of, adjust the recording length in the menu. My Sony has 6 different options for between 1hour and 6 hours. The pay off is, of course, the more you squeeze on the disc, the lower the picture quality.

What machine are you using, if you haven't found the menu to make this adjustment someone on here may be able to point you in the right direction.


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[quote user="Cjlaws"]Most DVD recorders allow you to chose the recording quality, and with it the length of programme you record. It might just be a case of reading the manual...
Please forgive me if I'm wrong

Thank you Cjlaws. Nothing to forgive. I have a problem reading tech. manuals in French even though my knowledge of French is fairly good. So on your advice I have now downloaded a manual in English from the manufactures site and I find the answer!! Eureka. This after searching the web over several hours and all the stores in my area for most of the day!! If anyone else has this problem the 120 minutes printed on the case of the DVD is misleading. It is only 120 minutes in a particular high quality recording mode. You can change the mode for up to 6 hours of recording if necessary but with a reduced quality of recording. Understanding the manual is everything!! Might seem obvious but I'm getting on a wee bit.[:D]

Many thanks all.

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Some also have a "free record" option (what it's called varies from machine to machine) which will chose the optimum record speed for the programme.

"Record Mode" is normally what the speed is called on the remote/menu (at least true for JVC, Panasonic and Sony).

Sorry Logan, you appear to have got there as I was posting.

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No real need at the moment http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_ss_w?__mk_fr_FR=%C5M%C5Z%D5%D1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=%22DVD%2BR%22&Go.x=8&Go.y=13

It seems that most come from Germany, but who cares. Most of the internet people in the U.K. will only deliver to the U.K. but these can be delivered top your door here. The French seem to be catching on to the fact that the stuff should not be 4 times the cost everywhere else!!

I've just ordered 50 CD-Rs from them.

It's just clicked. Did you mean DVD+R or DVD+RW, the rewritable ones? http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_ss_w?__mk_fr_FR=%C5M%C5Z%D5%D1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=%22DVD%2BRW%22&Go.x=14&Go.y=10 . More expensive than the Rs, but reusable...

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