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Microsoft Word problem

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Whilst working on a document yesterday I inadvertantly closed it before saving it, then forgot about it.

Today when I opened up Word it started with a Document Recovery window which I clicked on to open up the document.  I got a message saying :- Microsoft VisualC++ Runtime Library Runtime error

Then follows a long file heading ending with Winword.exe with the message [Abnormal termination]

After trying a couple of times I decided to delete the document before starting a new document.  This was completed and then I clicked on [save as] but I got the same message [abnormal termination]

What has happened and what is my solution please?

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If you have the original program disk, I would run re install in repair mode to repair previous installation.

If not, perhaps try Microsoft Office update web site, but will depend on which version you have as to support available.  Some update sthough may still require original disk to complete 




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George and Tenniswitch,


Thanks for your replies.  I have thought about what you both said and have looked at the suggestions you made.  For the moment I haven't actually acted upon those suggestions.

I do have the original CDs as I bought them with the Works Suite 2006 in the middle of last year.

Whilst exploring your suggestions I came across an MS support sheet, which I printed out.  This says to use Windows Explorer to find all the files with TEMP in,  them delete all.  Then empty recycle bin before restarting the PC.

The thing is there are quite a few files with TEMP in them and I am nervous about deleting them.  If I am truthful, I am a bit nervous about acting upon any suggestions for fear of losing something important. 

I have a good shop locally that I have been to before to rectify problems and wonder if I wouldn't be advised to go there with the hard drive before I do something I might regret.

What do you think?

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Why not copy the TEMP files off to a cd or pen drive before deleting them?  Highly unlikely that you will need them but wouldn't hurt to take a backup. 

MS Office is OK but the Works version isn't worth the disk it's written on IMHO.  Why not get Open Office instead? and it's free!!

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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

Why not copy the TEMP files off to a cd or pen drive before deleting them?  Highly unlikely that you will need them but wouldn't hurt to take a backup. 

MS Office is OK but the Works version isn't worth the disk it's written on IMHO.  Why not get Open Office instead? and it's free!!


Good suggestion Pierre, about copying the TEMP files.

I am confused about your comment re. MS Office as I am not sure what that is in relation to the programmes I have.  I have the MS Works Suite 2006 consisting of 5 CD discs of which I primarily use Word 2002, sometimes I use Digital Images but I never use Money, Encarta, Autoroute or Works.  Whenever I use Word I always open it from its individual programme because I find that opening Word from the Works Suite is a waste of time. 

What is Open Office?

I wouldn't want to use any other word processing programme because I have all of my work in the Word format.


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The MS 'Works' versions of their Office programs like Word Excel and others are like their big brother full-blown versions but with their arms and legs cut off.  For example, in the Works version of Word you can only do a fraction of the thing you can do with the grown up versions like OLE, table manipulation, drawing and a load of other stuff.  Excel is worse as you have no 3d tables, no piviot tables, no macros, no VB,  nuffink, and many limitations on number and size of worksheets in the Works version.  Also I guess you don't have PowerPoint, Access, Publisher or many other goodies.

Open Office is a free Open Source (hence no viruses) Office suite look-alike with all the features and more and you just carry on using the files you have already created in whatever format- simple!

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I only use Word to type words.  Occasionally I have to import pictures but the main function is to write words and plenty of them, so I don't wish to use any fancy (to me) bits and pieces I just want to fill pages with words. In that respect, Word fits my needs very well.

Initially I bought Word because the WP programme I was using was not compatible with somebody elses programme and I needed to change it for that reason.  Now that I am used to it I am loath to change again to find that all of my present work cannot be transferred and future work is not compatible with somebody elses.

Going back to my original problem.  I did as you suggested Pierre and saved the TEMP files to a disc, belt and braces style (X2).  When I tried to delete the TEMP files I got the message [Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk]

Any suggestions?

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[quote user="Weedon"]

Whilst working on a document yesterday I inadvertantly closed it before saving it, then forgot about it.


Not sure if you are trying to recover the document or not now but having done this many times before warning messages became standard you know the do you want to save ones, and been lucky with a quick power down which has resulted in a recovered document.  However when this has not happened if you want the document you could try a do a search for tmp files and then put the result in date order, you might then find a copy of your document has been saved on the date that you did it, it doesn't always work but worth a try if the work took a long time.

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[quote user="Ron Avery"][quote user="Weedon"]

Whilst working on a document yesterday I inadvertantly closed it before saving it, then forgot about it.


Not sure if you are trying to recover the document or not now but having done this many times before warning messages became standard you know the do you want to save ones, and been lucky with a quick power down which has resulted in a recovered document.  However when this has not happened if you want the document you could try a do a search for tmp files and then put the result in date order, you might then find a copy of your document has been saved on the date that you did it doesn't always work but worth a try if the work took a long time.


Thanks Ron, but that isn't the problem.

The initial document wasn't important, so I don't wish to find it.  The problem is that having found it was on a temporary saved section I deleted it because it bugged me that I couldn't then save it properly.  Having done that it seems that it has caused this problem in my O/P.

I don't want to open any saved documents to find that having added to them I cannot then save them because I get the same Abnormal Termination message.  I think that might make me cry!

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Faint heart never fixed a PC [:D]

Temp files are utterly, perfectly, 100%  safe to delete.

They are precisely that - temporary - many programmes create them whilst running for various purposes such as work space etc. and they are usually (though not always) deleted when you close the parent programme.

The fact that you can't delete some is due to the fact that their parent programme is still running and therefore using them.

Go ahead and delete them. Do a reboot first so there is less chance of something running in the background hanging on to them. Better still, restart in Safe Mode (repeatedly press F8 during boot up) and delete them then.

If deleting the temp files doesn't solve the problem do the Word reinstall as previously suggested. You won't lose anything let alone anything important.

Finally, I see no reason whatsoever for you to take it to a shop for such a minor problem. Do you really want some stranger poking around in your private places ?

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Many thanks to all who posted your suggestions to fix my problems.

I must be honest and tell you that I didn't do any of your suggestions.  The reasons being that when you are an expert in something it is difficult to put yourself into the position of a complete numpty, so when you offer suggestions they inevitably contain words or phrases you imagine are obvious, when in actual fact some of them are heard for the first time by the numpty.  The only one I can recall now is Re-install in repair mode.  I just didn't know what that meant...sorry. 

I appear to have got rid of the problem however after spotting some advice elswhere.  Somebody put forward the fact that it was something called Works Suite Add-in for Microsoft Word, which is installed with Works Suite.  The advice was to remove it, which I did and now it appears to be ok.

I do however have another problem with a TomTom which I shall place on Driving in France in order not to annoy you here.

Thanks again to all who replied.


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