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Windows XP page sizes

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I know there will be a simple explanation but I have not found it. When opening a new window or Tab I have know problems.  However, if I click on a link in an existing page and a new window is then opened, the window is about 1/4 of the full page size. Of course I know how to resize it, but what I want to know is how to set the page size so it opens at the size I would prefer.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Hi Baz,

I don't know which browser you use but Microsoft Internet Explorer (all versions) have this as default.  When web designers place a link on a web page they have the settings choice of opening in a new window or not.  If open in a new window is the setting then you get the "quarter size" page with the original in the background, if not then the link navigates away from the original page to the new one which is then full size.

Firefox don't have this default setting so a link will automatically open full size.   I have no idea why Microsoft do this but over the many years I have been using the internet I took it as normal until I tried Firefox.

AFAIK there is no way to change the MS Internet Explorer setting.


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If I understand correctly, normally the page window setting is controlled by the browser not the webpage. In your case IE7 - like me.

IE7 should by default remember the last open window size so this should work:

Make sure that you have just one window open. So, if you have one window open and open a link to another window and it is small, close the parent page window (first one)

That will leave you with the new little one open. Then maximise it and then close it. Next time the link pages should open in full screen.


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Many thanks it works. A point worth mentioning is when you are left with the little window open,  do not use the maximise button at top right of page but stretch the page with your cursor in the bottom right corner for it to work.


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