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wi-fi, laptops and ***ing dongles

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I've got a venerable Vaio laptop, which has given me wireless access away from home perfectly happily for several years. This weekend we went all mod cons at home and installed a Dartybox with wi-fi card.  Of course I soon discovered my Laptop wireless card would'nt work with the Dartybox so installed the USB Dongle, plus software, and all was fine.....however ( the techies will know what's coming) whilst rumaging around with the laptop this PM I discovered the dongle and/or it's software hads seriously disabled my integral wireless "card"...seems in order to get the integral wireless back I have to go through some fancy reinstall...not ideal if I want to switch between remote working and working at home on a regular basis.


The laptop and wi-fi has worked perfectly fine around the world for probably 5 years, so I'm not best pleased - at very least does anyone know of a quick fix that would allow me to swtch between the dongle and the internal card?


Rgds Stefan   

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I don't understand why your Vaio WiFi won't work with the Darty box. There is technical reason for it not to.

Maybe, due to it's age, your Vaio is only capable of 54b whereas the Darty box could be set for 54g only. There should be a setting to change this.

Regarding the USB having screwed it up System Restore should put things back to where they were.

If it doesn't then try uninstalling the USB software then go into the Device Manager and also uninstall the WiFi adapter. When you restart Windows should pick it up again and reinstall it. You will probably have re-enter the details but as this is a new setup with the Darty box you'll be doing this anyway.

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When I installed a usb thing to trial it on my laptop when it stopped working on my sisters one, I found it disabled the thing where i can choose which wireless network to connect to. Seemingly I had to do something to the Zero Wireless Configuration tool (not that exact name, but something like that)

Anyway, right-clicking on the wee icon bottom right for the usb things wireless network connection brought up an option to enable this Zero whatever it was, which reactivated everything and allowed me to choose as I wanted.



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Dave21478 wrote:

when I installed a usb thing...............

it disabled the thing....................

do something to zero wireless configuration tool............

not that name exactly, but something like that..........

right clicking on the wee icon.................for the usb things

to enable this zero whatever it was................

reactivated everything and allowed me to choose as I wanted!

Well thanks Dave, thats very clear[8-)] I'll try it next time with my Wi Fi or perhaps it may be better with my dongle (much more enjoyable)[geek]

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Well when I right click on the Wirless Network Icon ( bottom Right )  I do indeed get a message mentioning the Wireless Zero Configuration Tool...maybe it's going to be simpler to system restore and see what happens!


There now follows a long silence!!!!

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