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where have the bbc gone

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Actually it's been rather a better-than-usual winter season at Auntie.    And I say that as a fully paid up TV licence holder.   It's ITV that's looking hang-dog at the moment (see the share price too!)

We've just (three weeks ago) ditched Sky,  now there's something that saves us £240 pa and we haven't missed it at all.

Still,   all a matter of personal taste I suppose!

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[quote user="Martinwatkins"].....  Life in Cold Blood
Love Soup
Sense and Sensibility
Lark Rise to Candleford
Around the World in 80 Gardens
BBC (Radio) 7
BBC News 24

Actually it's been rather a better-than-usual winter season at Auntie.    And I say that as a fully paid up TV licence holder.   It's ITV that's looking hang-dog at the moment (see the share price too!)

We've just (three weeks ago) ditched Sky,  now there's something that saves us £240 pa and we haven't missed it at all.

Still,   all a matter of personal taste I suppose!

Well said Martin - couldn't agree more. Worth the licence fee for the joy of not being bombarded with adverts.

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Thanks Timco,   thought you might agree.   Let's hope the OP gets his/her dish fixed quickly - they can ask again for advice here.

It's easy to knock the BBC,  as an ex member of staff there is much that grieves me about its present attitudes and ethos.

But most of that comes from the BBC having been under constant attack,   really since 1982.  Birt and his bean counters were a disaster.   Hutton didn't help.   It reminds me of a boxer reeling from constant blows and dreading the next hit.  

One of the incidental joys of the internet is that I can read the Telegraph without paying a bean for it,   something I refuse to do given their constant opportunistic bashing of Auntie.

The BBC is far from perfect,   but it's much better value than Sky,  and as you say has no adverts.

Oh dear,  now the people (Chris'n'Julie)  who said there was little to watch probably think we've taken their remark far too seriously,   I suspect they meant it at least partly tongue in cheek,   so they have my apologies in advance!!

PS   I'd have included Radio 3 in my list but for the act of cultural vandalism inflicted on it by the wretched Nicholas (now Sir N for heaven's sake) Kenyon back in 1992,  surely one of the greatest cultural post-war disasters.    I cannot bear to listen now.

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The frequencies have changed e.g. BBCNews24  has moved from 10773 H 22 5/6 to 11954 H 27.5 2/3. No problem if you are using a Sky box, otherwise you need to retune. If your are using a Sky box and have lost the channels you have a different problem such as your dish moving in recent storms or your LNB on the blink. Reset your box by unplugging and restarting before looking for anything more drastic, though.

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How heartening to read

a defence of the BBC when all around I see negative sniping. But then I

shouldn't be surprised, really. Having worked for both ITV (ATV) and the BBC,

I'd have to say the difference which generally characterised the two

organisations was that the BBC was all about making programmes, and ITV was all

about making money. This difference extended to the staff, too. It was often

said that if you cut off the limb of a BBC man you would find the letters B B C

running through him like a stick of Blackpool rock, whereas the ITV man's arm

would say 'ACTT member'

Mind you, post-Birt (pause to turn away and spit) the corporation is so full of

short-term contracts and project-specific employment regimes that I doubt you

could find more than a dozen old-timers who could generate anything which could

approximate to company loyalty.


Just you and me then,

Martin. Bathed in the rosy-spectacled glow of nostalgia !


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How right you are in the things you have said about the BBC.  Having grown up with it and having followed the Peacock Committee report of alternative funding for the BBC in the 1980s (and heaved a sigh of relief when the findings were published - no adverts), I, too, hark back to the Golden Age of Public Service Broadcasting and your glow of nostalgia.

It's not quite what it was, alas, too many populist programmes appealing to the lowest common denominator and production values have gone by the board in many of the programmes.  Still, as long as they are still making "programmes" and not "products", I rest satisfied.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

How right you are in the things you have said about the BBC.  Having grown up with it and having followed the Peacock Committee report of alternative funding for the BBC in the 1980s (and heaved a sigh of relief when the findings were published - no adverts), I, too, hark back to the Golden Age of Public Service Broadcasting and your glow of nostalgia.

It's not quite what it was, alas, too many populist programmes appealing to the lowest common denominator and production values have gone by the board in many of the programmes.  Still, as long as they are still making "programmes" and not "products", I rest satisfied.


Just be glad that you didn't - like I did - spend your last couple of years in unending planning meetings where the talk was complete management bollicks, peppered with phrases like " a paradyme shift", "synergies", spinning off income streams" and "growing the brand " - Ugh !

I don't think I heard the word 'programme' once.


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I left in 1989 so was spared virtually all the horros of Birtism,   we thought the ghastly Michael Checkland was bad enough - little did we know (although I was guessing!).

I was just grateful to enjoy seven years of Reithian-based BBC before the barbarians moved in.

Still,   I believe the pay is better now (in my day it was lamentable,   but this was compensated for by the fun we used to have).

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