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To Dongle or not ???? Wifi question.

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Should I get a WiFi Dongle?  I have an Orange box for ADSL and recently when visited by two teenagers they asked if they could use their laptop, and they switched a switch on the Orange box, entered a code,  and sat upstairs using their laptop at the same time I was using mine downstairs all attached with wires?????

I have seen on www.amazon.fr a "Dongle" Wifi to stick in a USB port to make my old laptop Wifi compatible.  Is this really all I need? 

I thought I was up to date.....but it takes a 13 year old to put me right!!!!

From a 'Silver Surfer' in the Pyrenees...............................

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[quote user="Washy"]Should I get a WiFi Dongle? [/quote]

Well you could do - lots of people use them successfully but IMHO the better option is to have a network card installed in your laptop; that is if it hasn't already got one. How old is your laptop?


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I'm no expert on the computer part,   but the advantage of a dongle as opposed to a card is that in areas of your house with poor reception (and ours has a lot!) you can wave a dongle about on a USB extension lead and find the RF sweet spot.   Very necessary here,  not so important in a smaller moderner house....

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No my Livebox didnot come with a Dongle.  I will contact Orange if that is who we are talking about.  Seems they change their offers daily.....I have had a network set up with the computer upstairs.  My laptop is a Toshiba, and is 6 years old. It does have a card slot so I suppose I could get a card rather than an USB dongle as I do not have that many USB slots.

Thanks all for your help. I just can't bear to be behind the times.......We still have too much renovation dust here for me to think about upgrading my laptop yet!!!!

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PCMCIA cards with external antenna connections such as THIS can be the ideal solution to getting decent range without hogging your USB slots.

Suitable antannas with 1 or 1.5m cables can be found quite cheaply.


If you were interested and fancied THIS one and were QUICK I could pick it up for you as I'm going to Colchester next week !


And the ideal ANTENNA to complement it.


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