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Is there anyone here using a Tele2 box and receiving/sending emails via Outlook as opposed to Outlook Express please?

We received our Tele2 box today and after an initial fight to get the telephone line signed over and activated everything seemed to be going well.  We are now online with Broadband and can download all our various email accounts from other ISPs.  Unfortunately we can't send anything.  Normally this just entailed changing the SMTP account info and leaving the POP information with the original email provider's details.  I've looked at the Tele2 site and it also suggests altering the outgoing port from 25 to 587 but this does not fix the problem.  With a previous ISP we needed to enter additional information in the authentification box but I can't seem to come up with the right combination of account and password if this is the case.  There seem to be a very long list of name and passwords, noms du compte, etc, etc.  Iwas even given one string of numbers beginning eu with a password which I have not needed for anything at all and which does not work for this particular problem either.  I have a new email address which they have created for me PLUS a nom du comte which is different again.

It appears I could ask for Outlook Express to be automatically configured but Outlook doesn't seem to be included in this offer.  I've accepted and had the Tele2 account apparently set up on Outlook Express but I'm unable to even find this program in the computer and as soon as I accept Outlook asks me if I want to transfer the new account in.  It does this but without the right settings! 

Having spent all day at this I'm now running out of ideas and would hate to think I will spend my life going on to various ISP websites to send my emails.  Is ther anyone who has had a similar experience who give me some clues please? 

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You don't say what system you are using. If it is XP, you can find Outlook express in C\program files\outlook express and click on msimn

I suspect you have Windows Vista and in that case Outlook express has been replaced by windows mail. If so, have look at this page for some info


If you want, you can choose which program is the default mail program and then import into Outlook from that. This might be one way round your problem

In XP, Click on Start and right click on Internet explorer and choose internet properties. Click on the programs tab at the top and select outlook express. For Vista, see this page 


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Thanks for the assistance here.  I found Outlook Express BUT it seems I am no further forward!  The new tele2 email addresses had in fact been configured there as Tele2 had said but they don't work on send either.  There is an ongoing request for account name and password which suggests the ones it entered itself are wrong.  I've exported them over into Outlook (and in fact vice versa) and none of them will send.  The info sheets I have printed out confirm the Nomme du Compte they have used in the set up although they seem to have added @tele2.fr on the end. Taking that extra bit out makes no difference either way.  If anyone is able to check via a working Tele2 Outlook/Outlook Express set-up it is a string of 3 groups of four lower case mixed numbers and letters divided by hyphens.

Has anyone any further suggestions please?  Otherwise it will be a very tortuous conversation with an engineer at Tele2 on Monday.  They seem to rattle off at hyperspeed talking about acronyms which puzzle me so I'm not sure I will ever get to the bottom of this that way - my French is probably never going to be up to the job.

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Thanks for the suggestion.  This is the "easy" way Tele2 suggest and I agree it works fine.  However it also means that I can't access our other emails from other ISPs without doing the same with each of their sites.  I need to use Outlook or Outlook Express to do this as an "all in" operation and it's pretty crucial that I should be able to to.

I suspect I will be phoning the engineer on Monday - I'm practising the phrases already...

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Just a passing observation and not a lot of help with your Outlook problem I'm afraid but do you really need to be tied to an ISP email address ?

Personally I learnt my lesson on that score when with BT in UK and now would never use anything other than web based email such as Yahoo/Gmail/GMX etc. or email coupled to a registered domain name [8-|]


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Ernie has a very good point. Personally, I prefer just having a domain name linked email as I don't trust the web based services (free ones anyway) The free ones are not really there to give you a good service. It is secondary to their main business models. It is very easy for them to change your service if they want and then you are stuffed if you don't like it as you have given the address to the world and its dog.

It is the same with ISP email accounts; if you need to change your provider, the old email address is gone for good...I learned from that one too...

let us know what happens with the Tele2 thing


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Not always - I'm still using my BT internet account - the very first e-mail account I had when I first started on the internet goodness knows how many years ago and it works very well. It has an excellent spam filter. It means that I've never haad to change my e-mail address although I do have other accounts as well nowdays.



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That's quite right Timco, my first BTinternet.com address from donkeys years ago is still alive but unlike you mine is constantly full up with Spam and I gave up using it 4 or 5 years ago and switched to Yahoo and my own domain.


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What you can do is find out which bit is not functioning by doing a test from within Outlook (not Outlook Express) by doing the following.:

Open Outlook

Go Tools - E Mail Accounts - View or Change Existing  e-mail account

You should have a list of your existing email accounts, now click on the Tele2 account.

You will now have a button somewhere near the centre of the screen that says Test Account Settings, click on this.

A new screen will appear and the following tests will run.:

Establish Network Connection

Find Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)

Find Incoming Mail Server (POP3)

Login to Incoming Mail server (POP3)

Send Test e-mail Message

If any of these fails then you will not get a green tick by the side of it, you will get a message box telling you what is wrong like "Can't Find Outgoing Mail Server" or "Can't Login to Outgoing Mail Server" or other massages  along the lines of right login name wrong password etc, this is the information we would need to help you further.

This takes a couple of seconds and will give a better indication as to the problem.

You don't normally have to use Secure Login for the outgoing server as your user name and password coupled with the name of your SMTP server is all that is needed.

Good luck

PS The above description is for an older version of Outlook but at this level they nearly always tend to be the same.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

That's quite right Timco, my first BTinternet.com address from donkeys years ago is still alive but unlike you mine is constantly full up with Spam and I gave up using it 4 or 5 years ago and switched to Yahoo and my own domain.



I'm surprised about the Ernie - I've never got any spam on my old BT account - I also have a Yahoo account which, I think, shares the anti-spam technolgy with BT as they are linked together. Still, I don't want to hijack this thread.

Regards - Tim

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Now here's a strange thing - I had already tried this idea of Test Account Settings and it works its way through that right up until it gets to Send Test Email at which point I get a red cross rather than the green tick.  This is in the settings I have entered manually on Outlook, ie all my old email accounts.  The Tele2 account (which has been set up automatically from the Tele2 site) is in Outlook Express and doesn't have this facility.  What it does report in the Tasks and Errors box is this - ERR incorrect password or account name', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92.

This is becoming really frustrating!  I've set this sort of thing up lots of times with different ISPs and usually manage to work my way round any little glitches eventually but this one has me completely foxed.


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Thanks for that suggestion.  I've got it set to 587 already though.  I've had my son (an IT specialist in the UK) prying around in my computer via an access site all evening and he can't find anything which should be causing a problem and all he can suggest is a call to Tele2 engineers.  So I'll take my life (and dictionary) in hand tomorrow and give them a call.
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Thanks for that.  Yes, I fiddled around last night disabling and enabling firewalls, opening and closing ports, etc, etc. to no avail.

The GOOD news is that I seem to have fixed it this morning - I suspect the fear of having to speak to an engineer about all the technical terms in French galvanised me to try more and more options.  The secret appears to be that the Nom de Compte is actually NOT what they tell me it is on the sheet I printed direct from their account set up screen and NOT what their automatic set-up system installed! It is in fact my tele2 email address minus the @tele2.fr.  Absolutely nowhere do they tell you this and I only discovered it by trial and error. 

By the way, the right outgoing server port is in fact 587.  I believe it's something to do with the fact that port 25 can't now be used when authentication is needed. 

Thanks to everyone who came up with ideas on this, I really appreciate the hand-holding and assistance.  Now on to the next problem - what I need to make my PC interact with the wireless aspect of the livebox...

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