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WIMAX - is anyone actually USING it out there?

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We have "enjoyed" the benefits of a hybrid system to get broadband here - dial-up uplink, and satellite downlink.

This has worked reasonably well, with around 2 Mb download speeds, but very slow upload speeds.  Trouble is, it's expensive when you add all the bits together - ISP, satellite provider, additional telephone line to free up the original one, and additional charges for enhanced download speeds.

Now that Numeo can provide a Wimax service in our locality I'm seriously looking at the pros and cons of changing.  So is anyone actually running broadband through this service, and if so, what are your experiences?

We have all the blurb, but obviously that's aimed at selling the product, and we need actual usage experience to form a realistic comparison.

(I'll be posting this on another forum, too).


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As an altenative to what you've got it sounds like a no brainer and it's hard to see any 'cons' [I]

There are bound to be download limitations but I'm sure you've got that on satellite anyway so nothing to lose on that score, plus, with WiMax, you'll be able to use VOIP (Skype) for free, or at least very cheap, phone calls.



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Thanks ErnieY.  My main concern was that Numeo, who offer "up to" 2 Mb, may only be able to supply 512 Kb in reality (an exaggeration used by many suppliers), and I don't currently have that problem.  And my downloading is unlimited with the satellite supplier.  Hence the interest in the experience of actual users.  I'm surprised - I thought there would be a few...


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A Wimax service should be able to provide the speed it offers, if it says 2mb then that is what it should be. The 'Up To" offers are because the actual performance is dependant on your phone line of course. The only thing is that the avalable bandwith is finite and if sufficient customers sign up for it and use it heaviliy then there could be some throttling back at times of maximum demand.

I am genuinely surprised that your current sat service imposes no D/L limits, it too has a finite capacity although I believe that with this asymetrical system when you request a download it gets queued up to be sent when a slot is available.


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I have a few clients who are running wimax with numeo and it all good news. AS long as you have "line of sight" to the transmitter all is great. 2 meg connection or there abouts and a damm site cheaper then sat. Go for it if you can get it. We cannot get and BB here so we are waiting on numeo . I known a PC tech with no ADSL...... nightmare. 
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Thanks, chaps - it all looks quite promising.  I'm pretty sure we have line-of-sight to St. Fortunade, our closest Numeo transmitter.  We are at 450 metres ASL, and overlook most of the surrounding landscape.

ErnieY, we only have the benefit of unlimited download because it is one of the "extras" we pay for!

So I'll get on to Numeo and take advantage of their site test.

Incidentally, the reason I've been hesitant is because I've been keeping an eye on this site for a while, and they seem quite sceptical in terms of the Wimax technology...



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[quote user="ChrisnJulie"]ErnieY, we only have the benefit of unlimited download because it is one of the "extras" we pay for!

[/quote]That explains it then, I couldn't believe it was standard [;-)]

Do let us know how you get on.

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