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Alice,   Neuf,  Tele2,  Orange - as to price you'll need to wade through their individual websites to see what suits you best.   Neuf used to do a cheaper package but you paid a king's ransom to escape.   Alice have a free helpline,   which personally (having recently transfered to them) I find a great bonus.

AS to good - they're all much the same - fine if your line is well engineered,   but if things go wrong they're all about as useless as each other.  

Others may add thoughts,   but ultimately only you can make the decision.   You can check the capabilities of your line on most of the welcome sites,   certainly Alice will run a free check.

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When we first moved to broadband Alice was the only company offering the facility - (Wannanot - our French neighbours epithet - insisted that the service was not available) and as we were already customers of Tiscali/Alice it seemed a good idea at the time. Over the past 3 years or so most of our problems have been caused by the "piece of string and 2 cocoa tins" maintained by FT though the Alice service goes down from time to time and, at one point, our Alicebox was replaced and someone at Alice forgot to tick a box resulting in no facility for nearly 2 weeks.

I do not believe that there is very much to choose between the various "service" providers so I suggest that you talk to your friends and neighbours to see who has the least bad reputation in your lieu dit/hamlet/village/town.




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Thanks to those who replied, I will check out the providers mentioned,unfortunately, in this `hamo` I don`t believe many of the inhabitants know about such things!!!


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As Martin says, a free helpline can be invaluable and in the case of problems could quickly offset any up front price differentials.

Also, if linguistically challenged, an English speaking ISP can be a real boon.

For both of the above reasons I went with Teleconnect and been extremely happy with them.


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A am very interested in what you say. At the moment I am with Anglopack, mainly beacause they provide an English helpline, although I have not been too happy with their responses.If I understand the Alice package it includes Tv and also has the ebnfit of the system actually being installed by their own engineer. Does their TV service require a dish or arial- or do they use something a bit mor sophisticated. I have a sky dish and box, but no arial. I certainly would not want to upset the sky dish or a divorce would be in the offing!


Many thanks in anticuipation.

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The TV service and the installation by the engineer are only available in certain areas (zones degroupées)
That means if you are in a zone non degroupée, like us, then you get no TV  by adsl and no free set up by engineer. And it cost a bit more.

Go to www.degrouptest.com and enter your phone number to see what is available on your line with the different companies.


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