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Club-internet/neuf modem update

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I had a phone message today from club-internet telling me to restart my Club-Internet modem so that it could be upgraded.  I duly switched it on and off and new firmware has been installed so that that it thinks it is now owned by Neuf.  The internet side works just fine but my VOIP phones are all now dead and the service light remains out.  I have tried switching the modem on and off several times but no joy.  The Neuf site says there may be a break of up to 2 hours in the telephone service during the switch over but we have been down for over 6hrs.  I would call their hotline but I can't  - the phone is out and there is no on-line support service.  Does anyone have a similar problem?

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Having quit Club Internet partly as a result of the forthcoming merger with Neuf,   the only thing I can suggest is that you email them,   there is (was) an address to which one could send technical problems.

Personally I'm glad to be shot of them,  their attitude to their customers was dreadful,   but that's no help to you.   Bombard them with emails,  and if necessary inform them that you're quitting as per the pro-forma suggested by Clair in the sticky in this subsection....

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Thanks for the advice bu problem solved.  After spending ages trawling the internet for related problems and trying to suss out the modem settings the problem went away on its own some 11 hrs later, so much for the 2hrs maximum loss of service.

Just as well as when a friend of ours lost her service light I spent ages with her mobile glued to my ear while the no help desk tried to talk me through rebuilding the modem.  In the end her mobile battery went flat and I ended up reinstalling from scratch.  Given that the firmware has changed, I had no confidence that a rebuild would work this time.

The only reason I stayed with Club-Internet in the first place was that I was allowed to keep my old France Telecom number without having to pay line rental for the privilege of being connected to FT's copper.  I reckon the whole upgrade thing is a really a scam to make money from the help desk.  Still it has lent weight to my case to Mrs Ninthace that we should have a mobile phone for times such as this - any one know a good phone and tariff (must have bluetooth and GPRS so it can talk to my GPS)?

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