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A New Issue With My France Telecom Service

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Some may recall that I posted a few weeks ago about erratic broadband/telephone service provided by France Telecom. Now the storms have moved on from around the Charente the problem is slightly better, but last night a new problem has occurred. Every single phone I've tried calling is engaged! In other words, whenever I try and make out-going phone calls from my France Telecom line I always get an engaged tone from the phone I'm trying to connect to! What on earth is going on?? It was like it all last night and the problem is still there this morning. I've tried five different UK numbers and they are always engaged, morning and night. The internet works ok (at the moment) so it's just a problem with the telephone. I have an Orange Livebox with the phone connected directly into the box. Anyone got any ideas? I can't even call France Telecom and complain. [:@]


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If I plug the phone straight into the wall socket then it doesn't work at all, but never has done ever since I received the Livebox.

Edit: The problem is solved! I unplugged everything, left it for 10 minutes and then reconnected all the wires. It's now working, until the next problem arises... [8-)]

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Hi Rich.

Only this last weekend prior to the storm I disconnected the phone's from the wall  connection points,Sunday morning I reconnected said connections, low and behold no connection at all. Later that day I tried again and still nothing,so I then disconnected the L-Box and the phones worked again,so for the box to work I had to disconnect the phones as I cant have both on together and this is how it remains at the moment.

Maybe things might improve, but am not holding my breath.

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When using a phone through the livebox you will have times when you get an engaged tone to all outgoing numbers.  If you look at the livebox you will likely see that the phone symbol is not illuminated, if this is the case log into the live box and reactivate the telephone service, this will require you to logon to your orange internet account account.  Switching everything off will also sometimes cure this problem.  This happens about once a month to me and FT say it's due to the livebox being unable to validate my user credentials, hence why when you login and confirm your password it works. 

Nothing you can do about it but learn how to solve it.  I kept my land line for this very reason, without a phone I can't work!


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Hello Panda.

This problem of mine always seems to occur during /after a storm, and yes I do on most occasions manage to disconnect

both the Live-Box and the phones when ever a storm is forcast. After the storm passes the phone comes back on again

but very crackley which then does clear later on.

I am then able to get back on line and don't have to log in as I am the sole user and use Lycos as my home page and

Orange is in the drop down, Tim of Kalyn Comps set that up and switched off the phone light on the box and it is only recently

that this problem has reared it's ugly head so I might try what you suggested as I have just picked up the receiver to find no

dialing tone again.Just hed a visit from the banged up S.D.He's still having problems getting around but his sense of humour

is very much intact.

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When there is heavy rain the capacity of the cable to carry a strong signal is greatly reduced, the substations are poorly rigged .You can disconnect or restart the livebox and it may work for a short time then go again, unfortunately the telecom system in France is to say the least inadequate for a western nation, satelite phone and network is the only answer if you can afford it. for those of us who can't we just have to get used to yet another poor service in this country!



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.Ay up S.D.Chappie.

You must be feeling chipper, especially addressing me as Young Wiglet. That has really made my day, must addmit though sorry about the lack of ordinary style coffee, shall make a point of purchasing a new jar just for you, (moaner). Problem, Where on earth do I post this message now as it has nowt to do with the tinternet or phones? Help I'm having a senior moment !!

                                                        Mr Wiglet.(The Younger).

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If you have problem with your phone, but your Internet connection is working, you can report the fault to FT on their website; The bit you want takes a bit of finding, but it should be within the SAV section of the website.
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